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A Few Questions Prior to Implanting (Sensing Magnets)
I've done a lot of reading and feel I have a pretty good grasp of the important parts, but I'm curious to know a few people's opinions on things and a little potential advice before proceeding (implants aren't the sort of thing I'd do without being very sure, so I want a second opinion).
First question, I fly some where or another at least once or twice each year, some times internationally, would sensing magnets in the finger tips cause problems getting through security? I feel like they average metal detector won't pick them up unless you manage to position your fingers so they appear like one larger piece of metal. However, the TSA's fancy new (well, newer than traditional metal detectors anyways) scanning things probably would. I trust no one's going to tackle me over a potential terrorist attack, but I'm curious if anyone else has experience they'd like to share.
Second question, for magnet sensing implants, I really like the idea of having them in each digit tip (fingers and thumbs), but of course I'm not gonna start with that, and wanted advice on any reason that may be an undesirable placement. I intended on starting with left ring finger, then left thumb, left middle finger, then repeating on the right hand (don't want both hands less usable at the same time). From what I've read most people do the side of the finger, mostly to avoid unnecessary pressure from grabbing things, I have no objections to that, curious if anyone has done differently.
Third question (and last for now, on the topic of magnets), has anyone had any regrets or thoughts on their implants that maybe aren't obvious prior to having them, like, any ambient fields causing near constant vibrations, or notice them being lumpy, or having a harder time feeling them than you thought as a result of the placement choice. Or anything else.
Just looking to sort of cover everything before proceeding, once all my questions are answered and I'm ready I'll be inquiring about which magnets are most recommended and available at that time (from what I've read m31 magnets and these so-called "blood diamond" magnets are the current best, but neither is easily acquirable from what I've found).
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Here are a few of my personal opinions on your questions.
I've never heard of anyone getting stopped by airport security over magnet implants. Not once. So I'd say that isn't a concern.
Regarding pressure on implants in fingertips, my left index finger's m31 ended up nearly centered on the finger pad. I did not intend to do that, but it's just how it ended up. In the months following, pressure on the site caused some pain periodically. Especially notable were car door handles. Multiple times a day I'd grab one and pull and get a little shock of pain. But here's the thing... One day, and I don't know exactly when or after how long, I realized that it was no longer hurting. I have absolutely zero issues now despite that magnet being right in the center of my finger pad. It seems like, in my case anyway, that the implant site, as it matured, became somehow more robust and able to withstand alot more stress before pain resulted. All that having been said, I would definitely recommend against implanting in the center of the finger tip.
Regarding lumpiness, it was something I worried about before implanting and experienced in the early days after the implants were in, but even though there is a small lump where each is (not visible, but I can feel it when I put pressure on the fingers), it is not bothersome or painful.
Lastly, don't short change yourself by getting something less than the best. m31s and diamond mags are hard to come by at the moment, but you'll be able to get them soon. More than one person is working on getting TiN coating up and running, so m31s (or their equivalent) will be available again soon, and I expect diamond mags are just around the corner, too.
Alright, I'll certainly consider the front of the finger then, (that is, the palm side, not the very tip side). Any other opinions on that one? As a side note, I've noticed some other people using sensing magnets to activate magnetic switches, anyone have an example of the switch being used in that case? I'm curious how well that works, since sensing magnets are fairly small and will tend to be no closer than a few millimeters from the switch to be activated.
The TSA full body scanners are actually less likely to detect implants than traditional metal detectors (which also are extremely unlikely to detect anything).Both millimeter wave and backscatter radiation scanners are unable to penetrate skin- their purpose is to detect hidden items under clothing.
Good to know. I admit, I didn't read up much on how the new scanners work, I just assumed they operated similarly to an X-Ray system, blasting some form of EM radiation and measuring how much does (or, more specifically, doesn't) get received by the other half of the unit. I had my doubts anything like this would be detected, or questioned by a human once the machine detected it, else they'd question things like zippers or buttons on pants. But I thought I'd ask, cause a human may notice odd "voids" in my hands where said radiation couldn't penetrate as expected and then they may question it. But if that's unlikely, then I won't worry about it. Honestly, it wasn't going to change my mind. I figured, worst case is, I have to have some document proving that they were examined by a doctor or some TSA official or some such person who determined they weren't a risk to anything.
@Jupiter, reed switches are what you're after.
I'm actually a TSA contractor so I've asked for special attention before. They really can't see anything, chips nor magnets. You're in the clear.
Cool, that's good to know. I like that there's a bit of diversity in the group here. Various people able to answer various different questions.
ive had my impant for about a month now. i got mine right on the side of my left index finger as well. the only regret i really had was that i didn't realize it would take me this long to feel fields (2-3 months). i am starting to notice just how many things are magnetic though, i feel my mag tugging at metal stuff (like my car) all the time. but i haven't experienced the sensation of when you feel a field yet. i also scared the shit out of my friend when i went to grab a paperclip out of is hand it jumped up and stuck to my finger.also i had to do a background check for my state license (I'm a Respiratory Therapist) and i flinched a bit when they rolled my finger tips to scan my prints, sometime my hand rubs on stuff the wrong way i get a twinge of pain but other then that I have had any negative issues, there is a noticeable lump (about 2-3mm in height and 4mm in width) , but because of placement it it doesn't bother me and i find that people aren't staring at my hands too much.
@Jordygordy I don't suppose you'd be willing to share a picture of said "lump"? My inquiry about potential lumps was sort of in regards to finger size, I figure people with smaller fingers, it would be more noticeable. My fingers aren't terribly big, but they're not like, really skinny either. They're small enough that (for the time being anyways) I figured a magnet in my pinky fingers wasn't going to work, and for one, certainly not without an X-Ray of some sort first (it got bit clean through by a cat some 10ish years ago and still feels lumpy, though only a little, as though the bone or something on the inside healed crooked). So, my current thought is that I'm going to plan on "outside" side of fingers, that is, the side that faces away from you if you hold your hands out, palms down. I intend on starting with my left ring finger (right handed, so that's basically my least used finger that I think could easily fit one), and (if I can get my hands on enough magnets all at once) I may also do my left middle finger or left thumb at the same time, at the inconvenience of additional regular cleaning of the digit areas, I think I'd prefer to get them all in as fast as possible. I'll be deciding about the index finger after completing the healing process in my first one, so I have an idea of how lumpy it may be, not necessarily in a visible manner, but if I were to hold something... I'll inquire more about this when I'm ready, but does anyone know of any implanters in the east coast anywhere?
@jupiter i personally wouldn't reccomend doing more then one at a time. you think you don't use a finger alot, but ive had several injuries to my fingers while i was working as a prep-cook in college and let me tell you. it makes things quite difficult. i would reccommend doing it one at a time. if you have to, buy the magnets all at once but then just hold on to them for a while.heres an image of my lump lol [Imgur](>
Interesting, that's much more noticeable than I expected. Sort of makes me want to try the front side of the finger first, even with the small possibility of having it removed to eventually be relocated to the side should I change my mind about it. (The front of the finger being curved, would potentially be less noticeable.) I'm not terribly concerned or anything, just got me thinking about it. Hm... I guess I'll be giving placement a little more thought then. Thanks for the help everyone! Now I just have to wait for the magnets to become available again. I gather someone may have a decent supply becoming available sometime in a month or two. The earliest I think I'd be able to do the implanting would be, well... January... So I guess my time frame is fine for that.
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