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RFID to unlock car doors

Hi there. My name is John and I'm new to this and I just had a question.  I want to get a RFID implant that allows me to unlock my car doors. What implant would work best for this? And how do I "program" the reader to work with the implant? Do I just need to make sure they are compatible? Right now I'm looking at the ATA 5577 implant at  would this work for it and could I use the125kHz EM4102/EM4200 Access Control Reader xEM Access Controller to unlock my car doors if I wire it right


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  1. On the vehicle side of things it is totally possible, My friend took a ring with an RFID chip in it and used it to unlock his car door and start his car. He had one sensor in the car door handle and the other in the steering wheel.

    When you find the right RFID chip I would recommend placement in the webbing between your forefinger and your thumb as that is what will wrap around the door handle and the "sensor"

    ITs been done before Take a look at this video:

  2. Thats exactly what I did. /discussions/2255?page=1?new=1

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