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Implanting gold coated magnet as it is

okay, so i ordered 10pcs of these things, the are coated in 24kt gold and they have diameters of 1.5mm*thick* and 3.0mm*diameter*.. and im implanting one of those by myself but im just curious will the gold coating keep? i have accepted the upcoming risks if the gold coating brokes down... and btw sorry for my poor english;)  and does someone else have experience whit magnets whit only the gold coating?


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  1. I know that the gold is not bonded well with the magnet....
  2. okay.. i know that gold is too soft but when its coated right i think it should last or even if it wont does someone has knowledge to tell how does copper react whit human body or nickel? they are both heavy metals but the amount of them is so small in that magnets thin coats that it doest even go over the limit of the daily copper that your body needs to keep body in balance:P oh and yeah that magnet is triple coated in order of  ni-cu-au
  3. Once the cold is gone those will be broken down and you wil get poisoned by the Magnet
  4. Specifically gold, but please read the wiki, there's a lot of useful information that can help so much. ^^ If the Au fails, the Ni-Cu-Ni will harmfully interact with your body and cause it to reject painfully. x_x This isn't guaranteed, people have had Au alone work. What is so iffy about it is how fragile the coating is. When you get them, mix up some super salty water and let those magnets soak for a few days. If a magnet reacts at all... It's reacting in salt water. It hasn't even entered the harshness that is the human body and it's bad. D:> Honestly, if all 10 fail I wouldn't personally be surprised one bit. Be extremely critical, this is going inside your body. Installing is the second half that causes failure. That's a really thin layer to wear out, and if a tool like a scalpel or tweezers scratches just a tiny patch of it off, it will fail and reject. :s I also know that a couple people have had trouble with Gaussboys, just look at things. Make sure the magnets are strong and proper. ^^
  5. thanks mate, thats the answer i was looking for!:) ill soak like 5 of them in to salt water and take a look if the salt water  corrupts the surface then i will implant them as they are. and i will be Really careful while handling those magnets:D or are there some other diy ways to coat the magnet for to be sure? (anything else than sugru or hot glue xD)
  6. On they have TiN coated magnets, although they are backorderd it would be worth waiting for. happy implanting!
  7. they are just too expensive for me:D gaussboys also make custom magnets so should i order one whit gold+parylene coating? i think i should...
  8. How long are you wanting this magnet to be inside your body? If you're going for a short amount of time, the gold could suffice after putting the specific magnets you're using through rigorous testing - if they pass. 

    If you're going to have this implanted long-term then it might be worth saving up and waiting for the TiN coated magnets, better safe than sorry. 
  9. x-x

    Parylene should only be implanted for 'Short term' (about a year to be safe).

    Another thing that should be pointed out... If you cannot afford an m31, you really really REALLY should consider weather or not you should even attempt anything in the realm of minor surgery.  Do you have the proper tools? the correct blades, scalpels, forceps? Bandages? antiseptics, triple antibac? Anesthetic?

    What if something goes wrong? could you do anything about it? >~<

    Keep in mind there's a huge reason the main suggestion is to not go strait for gold, it's not for marketing. I'm not making any money telling you that Au, even composited with parylene, isn't as great as TiN. it simply is not as robustly durable, it's not as stable. 

    even under PERFECT circumstances, doing everything correctly, I'd still estimate someone has a 10% chance of rejection at the absolute least. if you accidently smacked your finger against a table after your perfectly preformed surgery, up that to at lest 50% rejection rate.

    I don't want to say 'Don't do it.' I never was one to tell people that they couldn't do something. But I REALLY would suggest doing a lot more research and consideration before deciding on that. 

    Again, there's a good reason we don't just say go buy this x or y magnet from z store and stuff it into your finger. :s
  10. i got proper tools, i had done all my last piercings etc by myself but this is just the next step for me. what i mean whit its out of my budget is that i think its just little too expensive for a magnet, but actually its not even that bad pricing, what do you think when is the m31 coming back to dangerousthings? and how long will the titanium nitride coating keep 5years? 10years? a lifetime? im really starting to think about the m31 but i hate waiting:P
  11. and thanks to everyone for helping me whit this:D!
  12. @Feralisti 

    Again, not to compare apples to oranges, and it's not my place to ever ever say i know what you know. Full respect in that regard. But remember, this isn't just piercing your ear or nose, it is a minor surgery. :S

    You are implanting foreign material into your body. an example of a bad implant would be someone clubbing you with a railroad tie chunk and getting a splinter of resin-soaked lumber in your hand. Without going into detail, it's not biosafe.>~<

    Ni isn't friendly to the body. NdFeB is REALLY not friendly. both will hurt a lot if they reject. Au is very easy to compromise compared to TiN/Parylene/Silicone/PTFE/insert most coatings here. 

    Ceramics have stupid long lifespans. TiN is the ceramic coating used in artificial load-bearing joints, such as replacement hips. treated right, honestly, i wouldn't be afraid to say if you implanted a TiN magnet properly and took good care of it, you could die with it. But i just don't know enough about everything to say that's definitely true. 

    Dangerousthings/Cyberize are both working on it. They aren't easy to make perfect, patience has been the mantra for months. ^^'

    On that note... @alexsmith, Any update? D:>

    IMO, if it's something you are going to stick into your body, and like, be inside you... Do you really want to grab the random thing from Home Depot/Generic-0 magnets? My own answer is no, but to each their own. 

    I simply don't want to see you repeat mistakes that have already been made. We know radiation is bad for us, there's no need to irradiate more people. :l

    ^^ And please please, do all the research. There's SO MUCH stuff to read. :3

    Also, trust me. I hate waiting, too. But if your magnet rejects, you have to wait months for the finger to rebuild to the point you can try again, anyways. x-x

    And scar tissue. bleah.
  13. @zerbula thank you again, so im just going to wait fot hte m31 to come back for sale. and im doing this research alll daaay long:D..   and i trust you in this!
  14. Just want to help. ^^
  15. :)
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