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who has a magnet implant in their writers palm?

im getting an implant and would like to know who has one in the side of their palm, "writer palm" "palm knife edge" and im interested how it feels there.


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  1. I have an RFID in the out side edge of my hand and I don't really notice it at all. I get an odd feeling when storms arrive but that's it. Kinda like pressure in the area.
  2. I thought that @BenBeezy had one, don't know if he took it out.
  3. I have 2, I took one out to see how a coating was holding up, but replaced it and kept one of the originals. and they are huge, like .4inch diameter huge. I use them all the time, and after healing I pound on things all the time with no issues, its in my right hand, and I am right handed, and its never an issue when writing or typing, or anything at all really. The magnetic feeling I get from it is pretty good since its a lot larger of magnets, it balances out the power to less sensitive area ratio. I know that @birdmachine uses hers a lot to feel things, more than a finger magnet. So if you have a magnet thats safe to put in there, go for it! 
  4. Yep! I've got one on the side of each palm and they've been fantastic! I've got good sensation and decent lifting ability as well, and they never bother me. Most of the time I actually forget they're there.
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