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Oxycyte carries oxygen 50 times as effectively as our own blood

Wondering what this could do for our body's capacity for exercise, work, or to supplement function that is lost for aging or disease. Again like most of my posts if anyone knows where to buy it (or make I guess) that would be also great.


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  1. This article says 50 times the wiki seems to say 5
  2. These haven't been actually created yet, as far as I know. It's still a cool project to work on, though.

    So here's the part where I bring out a cool paper on a crystal I saw. If I can find it again... Anywho, there are these special crystals that can absorb a ridiculous amount of oxygen, and then release it in an environment with a lower partial pressure for oxygen, or higher heat level. I'm betting that you could use @chironex 's method of hydrothermal synthesis to turn these into nano-particles that're biosafe. 

    Here's a link to the thread where I first mentioned the crystals(LINK). I know I have a copy of the paper that's behind the paywall too. Somewhere... 
  3. From the brief searching around  I did, there are a few different things being talked about. 1 is an actual crystal, the other is a perflouorocarbon. The crystal contains cobalt and requires a heating and cooling cycles to get the oxygen in and out. The perflouorocarbon is just good at dissolving oxygen and is already non toxic and probably a liquid (hence why oxycte is being used to build artificial blood). It's not just made up, these are things that have already been done. 
    The perfluorocarbons are not something you'll be making yourself, unless you feel like doing electrolysis in hydroflouric acid. Ya. Didn't think so. But you may be able to buy some. If we could get some oxycte I'm curious what would happen if you were to inject some. I realize this has it's risks but it would be like blood doping without the extra blood. could enhance performance. I dunno.

    The crystals would be useless for this. They'd be better for some sort of mini scuba gear (assuming you also had crystals that absorb nitrogen, since oxygen is toxic at depth so you need a mix)

  4. So, does this Oxycyte compound break down over time in the body? Or is it something you can do once, and have 30+ years of results? (I initially thought you were referring to a different thing all together, which goes by the same name, but is primarily nanotech based)
  5. No clue. Never worked with perfluorocarbons before. Would need to dig into papers to figure that out.
  6. what about just inhaling extragen? im doing respiratory therapy, from what i understand this just allows oxygen transport to reach areas of the body that have been blocked off by inflammation. it would really only be good in the military, as the standard protocol for traumatic brain injuries is therapeutic hypothermia, it reduces body temp to protect the brain from swelling. if your looking to increase oxygen concentration in your blood then the simplest way would be to inhale more of it.  

    one treatment we do give to newborns sometimes in nitric oxide gas. it dilates the blood vessels in the lungs, allowing more blood flow through the pulmonary capillaries to allow for gas exchange.
  7. @TheGreyKnight it exists and it's said that normal respiration would release it into the atmosphere after 4 hours.

    you were thinking of similar name, but not the same.

    so obviously only lasting 4 hours is not ideal, but I'm wondering on what effects it might have on metabolism and exercise. Also interested in maybe microdosing continuously during a work day... things like that.
  8. "only 4 hours"
    how long's it take you to run a race? or do something super intense which is what this'd be good for. no more than 4 hours usually. How about a breath holding challenge. you'd kick ass with this stuff in your veins. I dunno as a quick one off before something intense, could be good.
  9. @chironex absolutely but as fun as that is I'd rather have slightly more energy in my day to day life. Imagine if every day you just feel more alert your body and brain gets as much o2 as it needs. the industrialized world has more calories than it can handle so increasing o2 might help us burn them off and let us achieve more to boot.
  10. I'm not quite sure if it works that way: there is a good reason why the blood supply to the brain is kept to a constant 20% of cardiac output.

  11. Im a bit sceptical too..
    Tilting the oxygen supply would affect bloodflow, and oxygen is already a nessesary evil for the body, and many more systems would be affected i think.

    That being said, if perfected it could lower the blood pressure, and in small doses adjust energy levels.
  12. BTW, here's something relevant:

    O2 isn't something that's "the more, the better".
  13. @IvoTheSquire  that link requires a login. 

    As far as "O2 isn't something that's the more the better " I came upon this when I was looking up VO2 max endurance training information. I had looked this up years ago but there werent any that were safe enough at the time. This one seems to be doing better in its trials.

    an average Joe's VO2 for men is around 42 mm/l of oxygen per kilogram of body mass per minute. For extreme endurance athletes it's 80-90 mm/l.

    Aerobic respiration is much more efficient than anaerobic respiration and doesn't incur the lactic acid buildup.

    @Wyldstorm  Most of the pro anti-oxidant material out there is psuedoscience with little to back it up scientifically. If endurance athletes are able to tolerate (more like thrive) with double the amount of resting VO2 than the rest of us then maybe there is something to increasing the oxygenation of our blood artificially for gain.

  14. Sirus brings up a good point about VO2. And what about hyperbaric chambers? Those provide more oxygen, and you see pretty significant returns on endurance, at least in the short term. I think where we'll see the biggest returns on this will be pairing this with high-altitude training, or some equivalent. Train your cells to use less oxygen, and when you need it, add oxycyte for the ability to run 10 kilometers without running out of breath.

    It might be an interesting development to have a small internal reservoir of oxycyte that automatically releases in a situation where you're low on oxygen, like drowning, or smoke inhalation. 
  15. to add a small modification to that last point "a small reserve of oxycte pre saturated with oxygen" otherwise you'll just be absorbing oxygen from the water you're drowning in. Although we may want a mix of preloaded o2 and some amount of empty compound that'd absorb co2. Your need to breathe is controlled by blood pH and co2 levels not o2 levels. So you could have plenty of oxygen and still pass out. So we'd need something to do both. detect drowning, release emergency supply to give you a few extra seconds
  16. @TheGreyKnight  the high altitude training mostly makes your body produce more red blood cells (which can be done by taking erythroprotein aka EPO too). I'm sure there are also other benefits to your heart muscles and such but I think the biggest one is more red blood cells. which means something like this should help tremendously. If only it wasnt so short acting.

    @chironex  I'm not sure if it helps remove co2 or not. I will try to look into it. if not then you might get a very short burst of extra energy and then run into acidosis which is not great.

    Just had another idea. Imagine if your pacemaker had a reserve of this stuff. detect a heart attack and release it into your blood stream to stave off oxygen starvation. possibly the same thing for strokes.
  17. @Jordygordy  people already use nitric oxide for exercising and even Viagra / Cialis that produce nitric oxide synthase
  18. Fixed the link, but here's the abstract: "Intravenous perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsions, administered with supplemental inspired O(2), are being evaluated for their ability to eliminate N(2) from blood and tissue prior to submarine escape, but these agents can increase the incidence of central nervous system (CNS) O(2) toxicity, perhaps by enhancing O(2) delivery to the brain. To assess this, we infused a PFC emulsion (Oxycyte, 6 ml/kg iv) into anesthetized rats and measured cerebral Po(2) and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and striatum with 100% O(2) at 1, 3, or 5 atmospheres absolute (ATA). At 1 ATA, brain Po(2) stabilized at >20 mmHg higher in animals infused with PFC emulsion than in control animals infused with saline, and rCBF fell by ~10%. At 3 ATA, PFC emulsion raised brain Po(2) >70 mmHg above control levels, and rCBF decreased by as much as 25%. At 5 ATA, brain Po(2) was ≥159 mmHg above levels in control animals for the first 40 min but then rose sharply; rCBF showed a similar profile, reflecting vasoconstriction followed by hyperemia. Conscious rats were also pretreated with PFC emulsion at 3 or 6 ml/kg iv and exposed to 100% O(2) at 5 ATA. At the lower dose, 80% of the animals experienced seizures by 33 min compared with 50% of the control animals. At the higher dose, seizures occurred in all rats within 25 min. At these doses, administration of PFC emulsion poses a clear risk of CNS O(2) toxicity in conscious rats exposed to hyperbaric O(2) at 5 ATA."
  19. A funny alternative would be biohacked symbiotic algae in yer lungs..
    They are really efficient at consuming CO2 and producing oxygen methinks.
  20. @Wyldstorm  also thought of this before. actually I thought to put it in the skin but as just stealing the photosynthetic parts. the conclusion that I came to is that an animals, such as humans, metabolic rate is just too high to be compensated for with photosyntetics. then again maybe every bit counts and if we replaced melatonin with chloroplasts maybe we could get all the benefits of melatonin for blocking uv but also get a bit of o2 and sugar out of it.
  21. @wyldstrom, that would be a really good idea except the worry about the algae developing into pneumonia. its hard to get rid of non-bacterial pneumonia.
  22. The formula for processing glucose into usuable energy in the cells is this:

    C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6H2O + 6CO2 

    to do mammalian cell metabolism go left to right, to do plant metabolism go right to left. 

    now plants need sunlight to power the cascade of hydrogen ions to generate the ATP that this formula yields (38 ATP and 38 ADP plus phosphor ions). I imagine that this would increase cellular metabolism through the body and reduce fatigue symptoms. but that could lead to a whole host of other more dangerous problems (exacerbation of tumor growth, cellular rejection and bacterial sepsis to name a few off the top of  my head the idea being that while our bodies could utilze extra ATP, so could other not-so friendly cells)

    how could we use photosynthetic cells to give us extra energy? i would be down to be a test subject if theres a way to do it (relatively) safely. 


  23. The whole Photosynthesis thing has been addressed in the past, but if you want to try tackling it, it might be a good idea to start another thread.
  24. no, it won't. That's not how biology works. Notice how plants have tons of leaves? it's because you need massive amount of surface area for that to work. you don't have nearly enough unless you wanna sprout some leaves while you're at it. what would you use? your face? maybe your hands? amongst a variety of other considerations, won't work. 
  25. @chironex you got a point, unless i did my whole body, it wouldn't be enough to notice any significant increase in energy or metabolism with out nude sunbathing for several hours a day. now I'm not opposed to being nude, but maintaining a summer body year round isn't worth the effort LOL 
  26. @alot of you.. 
    When i mentioned algae, i did not mean the photosynthesis ones.
    The trick would be to use the parasitic parts to grow a bit into the lung tissue, and the photosynthesis parts to exchange c02 for o2/h2o, and thus removing a biological need for the costly lungs. 
    Since some algae go through a change in their collective lifetime, triggering parts of different stages should be possible.

    Mjeh, it should be effective, but hard to regulate. They'd have to grow a good millimeter in not to die of a bit cold/dry weather.. And somehow limiting their parasitic part would be hell..
    But i kinda would want to try on some poor critter.. And then not.. Poor critters would feel like drowning with brown goo in their lungs.
  27. So how would you talk? That requires breath....
  28. You'd still need to breathe to swap co for air. 
    it'd just be like the intestines where bacteria help digestion, algae would do the pre-processing.
  29. so, on the topic of photosynthesis, there is this company called BiPlastiq that adds a rhodopsin to a mitochondria so that it makes energy when light hits it. It's more of an optogenetics thing, but worth checking out.
  30. I remember reading about a fat that carried oxygen that is used in surgery on lungs that allows for the patient to not need to breath
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