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Awesome new idea for you magnet owners

I just had an awesome idea! I know things exist now that can be turned on and off with a magnet but how about a magnet switch in a lightsaber. In star wars lore many sabers were created that could only be turned on with the force. They also included complex locking mechanisms inside so that a stolen saber took time to decode and learn to activate. We could simulate that with a switch in a saber where only you as the owner could turn it on!


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  1. i believe your thinking more about nfc chips then magnets (near feild connection), these when read by a computer or other device can access and store information wether that be credit card data, can be used as a activation switch/unlocker for your car, or even just to store a word document or in your case having the chip coded to be when read, activate your lightsaber and have it implanted into your hand 
  2. I have seen magnet switches before but mostly swipe to activate. I don't know if a sustained magnetic pull could be incorporated into a switch. NFC would be easier to use once set up but I think setting it up would be a lot more complicated and energy consuming. 
  3. That's called a magnetic reed switch.
  4. using a 3 axis magnetometer you can record the vector data you get from a magnets motion nearby. If you can match those to an existing pattern you'r good to go.
  5. Reminds me of smart guns.  A staple of near- (and far-) future sci-fi.
  6. you could do this with a reed switch, hall effects sensor, nfc reader, rfid reader, fingerprint scanner, phone ble connection, you can make a "switch" that reacts to you in a number of ways.
  7. Aviin they have the "smart guns" already it's just not a mass production of them like the tried and true ones. I would love to try one though.
  8. Yeah, all you need is a reed switch. Super simple.
  9. I played with an arduino and a hall effect but couldnt get a read off my implant. External magnets were fine but the implant wasnt strong enough. I was only using a cheap hall effect and am still learning coding so I think I may be able to adjust the sensitivity.
  10. use proper magnetometer ICs such as used in electronic compass modules. HMC5883L would be a good start. You should be able to get readings somewhere between 4 and 12 cm. Neodym magnets tend to be strong enough to drive the sensor into saturation so there's a close-range limit. 
  11. I  tried with an A3144 cheapo off ebay, Ill order one of those and have another go I do have an idea for a magnetic switch
  12. I can switch both reed switches, and hall sensors from about half and in away with my m31. the larger ones in the side of my hand can do it from even further 
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