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05/2016 Brainstorming Thread


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  1. double post
  2. 3) Activity and Rest: Neurofeedback would be helpful here. At present, adapting EEG input to influence the gameplay of popular available games is where I'd like to start. Guitar Hero is similar to an effective method already used in neurofeedback training so adapting Guitar Hero to function in the same capacity as what is currently used seems to be the first step from my perspective. The purpose is to rewire the brain to function more efficiently by stimulating parts that are out of sync. Current neurofeedback training works but some parts of the training simply aren't up to speed with what even games from a decade ago can do. I want to take neurofeedback training to the next level because there is a lot of room for growth in this field and right now it is dominated by only those who can afford the equipment and also have the creativity/knowledge to make a nice game. I have access to a research grade 24 channel digital EEG and two 4 channel (multiplayer EEG battle?) as well that we can use for this or for any other ideas... only after hours though so it doesn't clash with my clients... Anyone interested, I'm in south Florida but travel between here and San Diego, send me a PM.
  3. Double post sorry... I also want to incorporate o2 supplied via nasal canula so this would require Bioera and also Arduino programming experience. Example: Group 1 would have regular neurofeedback feedback responses. Group 2 would have positive/negative feedback response in the form of o2 or regular air being supplied and Group 3 would have an inverse response. Group 4 would have a constant supply of o2 and Group 5 would have no neurofeedback or o2 response. Later trials would incorporate a pre-test to determine what colors the subject associates with specific colors and 5 test groups to determine the effectiveness of targeted aromatherapy neurofeedback which to the best of my knowledge is a completely unexplored world of possibilities. The same method would also be used for HVAC feedback and then incorporate all of the most effective results in the final test.
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