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XnT unlock your car/do whatever you want with it

So I didn't know of a better way to show people this so I am just making a new post. I have seen people that use their tag to unlock a car, or unlock their house and I wanted to do the same thing. but I didn't know how the hell they were doing it with like custom kits and things. So when looking up how to do it I decided that it all sucks and I wanted to do it my self. So I took my car key fob apart and took the battery and buttons off of it. I then wired the parts for the battery into an arduino with some firmware on it (will put link at the bottom) and a NFC reader from adafruit. I then soldered the button for unlock to be always pushed and I was done. I just needed power and I can now unlock my car by scanning my hand. But the cool thing about this is the firmware I wanted to make something that would scan your hand and do *blank* whatever you wanted! so now we all have firmware that we can put in with existing project that can act as a button press or more a motor, or something like that.

So please check it out and feel free to make your own car unlock system or whatever you want. If you want I would also be willing to make some systems for people so you can look cool in front of your friends.


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  1. I used an rfid unlock scanner similar to the one that DT sells. Just wired it up to my door locks. A little complicated, but it worked. Sucked that I had a VW beetle. They have the most terribly complex door locks.

    Can't wait to look more into what you made. I might consider installing an rfid reader onto my apartment complex... I bet everyone would just assume the complex did it...
  2. so i've built this arduino driven relay circuit a long time ago with the intent of wiring it into my car's ignition to unlock and start my car automatically while still being able to use the key.  turns out i don't know shit about cars though, so if anyone knows cars and can help me feel free to PM me :)

  3. I know nothing about cars. I just used google to figure out how to take the door apart and then consulted the owners manual.
  4. Like Trybalwolf I used a low frequency reader similar to DT’s xEM Access Controller and wired to a spare key fob with an interposing relay. Like Benbeezy my controller presses a button.


    My car had some security feature where the unlock button couldn’t be pressed from inside a locked car or I would have wired it there instead of using battery operated fob.

  5. So im going to be doing this to my truck this summer after i start my new job and get some funds coming in. Most of you know that is one of my goals. I was planning on trying to directly wire into the locking system and run the reader up to my door where i would normally place my hand to unlock it. My question is why are you using a keyfob? Is this just because you do not want to/ know how to or where to wire into the truck as i said i will be doing?
  6. I should have been more clear. I cannot press the unlock button on the car’s door. It’s clearly to keep someone from sticking a pole through the window and unlocking the car. When I use the fob, even from inside the car, it worked fine.
  7. @meanderingpaul  yeah he probably wired into the key fob because it's easier than wiring in to the ignition.  that's what i'm not sure about how to do.
  8. Just cause I feel like this is worth adding, I see a lot of people are focusing on cars here. Has and on thought of a RFID kill switch? Like let's say they did get past the RFID lock/ignition something like th fuel pump wouldn't turn on. Just a another thought in a attempt a while back to justify getting magnets was two use reed switches in the handle bars to act as kill switchs for additional security. I add that as well because I think that could be easy enough to adapt for a cars use. Sincerely, John Doe
  9. Like Biff's car from Back to the Future.
    "No one can start this car but me!"
  10. @McSTUFF my car's the same, so I have my reader wired to the circuit for the key hole on the door.
  11. @CitrusBolt, I never looked there. Very clever.
  12. @McSTUFF Yea I am kinda paranoid about a bike I have been saving up for getting stolen....
  13. @ightden I would give you some pointers but every car is different. I haven't even looked in my door panel or under my dash for this truck yet. I believe I should be able to just trace the lock back to the computer and get in that way but I won't know till I open some things up. I may also need to be creative if that proves to complex. Good thing is I only have two doors to unlock ;)
  14. well here's my schematics for anyone else who wants to drive some relays with an arduino to start their car.  you'll need to add a voltage regulating circuit as well, though, as i don't have that shown in these schematics.

    my problem is i dont know how to actually wire it into my car's starter/accessory wires/battery.  i drive a 2002 ford expedition if it helps, but i cant find any sort of information on which wires i need to hook into on my car.
  15. So I think I figured out a simpler route while finding out I shorted my lock button this afternoon. Wiring into the lock button would eliminate the need for a fob to be tied in and would make it so you don't need to trace wires back. Bare in mind this is just to unlock the car and not start it.
  16. I wanted to set up my car to unlock with my xNT implant, but I ran into some problems. First, my car has manual windows so I'd need to convert them. Usually not a problem since a conversion kit is twenty bucks, but mine has cable locks instead of rod locks, so the conversion kit is about ten times the cost for my model. 

    Second problem is I'm having a hard time getting any reader to find my implant. I know my cell phone's NFC is in the battery and not that great a range to begin with, but it can't even read with the thin plastic case over it. Even the Arduino reader has trouble reading if the module isn't touching my hand. I don't know that I would be able to unlock the door once a mechanism and reader is installed. Kinda bummed because I love the idea of never worrying that I'll lock myself out of the car.
  17. @katzevonstich to me it sounds like maybe your tag is to deep in there. and yeah that does suck that you have a car that is not fit to just hack it in.
  18. So I've got my replaced door lock button installed in the truck so I have the old one out and able to be tinkered with. I found out I actually just had some corrosion on my plug so the button function is fine. My current rt would be simply identifying the prong for unlock and then just crimping the wire into that plug.
  19. Just add power (Battery+) to each pin at the base of the switch and see what function occurs or tell me what the year/make/model of your vehicle is and I'll look up the wiring diagram and tell you which color the lock and unlock wires are. I work in the automotive industry. I'll be doing some similar automotive bio-integration mods before too long.
  20. Well that would save me a bunch of time! It's a 2012 gmc sierra 1500. This was the first time I had to actually do anything to this truck. Your saving me time on the looking through the Google for wiring diagrams thank you much @posthumanist.
  21. @Meanderpaul I've printed the schematics for your vehicle.  There are two options based on the RPO codes.  If you would kindly take a look inside your glovebox lid there is a white rectangular sticker with a list of 3 character alpha-numeric codes on it.  Could you please tell me if your vehicle RPO list contains AN3, DL3, or AU3?

    I'll consult with my electrical diagnostician once I know which diagram is correct for your vehicle.
  22. Au3. Thank you again this is gonna help a lot. What mods will you being doing with you vehicle to integrate with you?
  23. Good, that's the less complex of the two systems in use.  At the base of the switch and at the lock actuator you will find the two wires you'll require are an (ORANGE/BLACK) wire for the unlock and a (PINK/BLACK) wire for the lock signal.

    This is a grounded circuit, meaning in order to actuate the mechanical lock you will apply a ground to the wire NOT power.
  24. Vehicle mods I intend to complete are Door lock/Unlock, start/stop engine, and possibly integrate a security system into the mix all activated via two 125kHz RFID implants.

  25. Ok that's a different approach I thought it was going to be power. I'm trying to think of a way to use my remote start right now but I haven't been able to think of anything I really like. I'm toying with the idea of implanting a remote start with a Reed switch and using a magnet to trigger it. (I would also have to have a magnet too). The remote start I think could be rigged to be keyless also but I haven't really looked into that yet and the obvious problem would be a powers ounce for the remote.
  26. Most remote starts are only good to start the vehicle before you enter it. The vehicle MUST remain locked and in park for the remote start to activate. Once activated, the vehicle will shut the engine off unless the key is turned in the ignition. The ultimate goal for me would be to install an RFID reader in the driver door handle that would unlock the door, disable the alarm, and start the engine. I would of course need to bypass the steering wheel lock mechanism in the column and wire a dummy load so the remote start thinks the vehicle has a key in the ignition so I can just hop in and go. Now, I would need To do that with one chip implanted in my hand and on the other hand, a chip that would send a signal to lock the doors and arm the security system as I exit.
  27. I stumbled on this RFID reader/switch combo. Kind of expensive but seems like it would do the trick for both input (RFID) and output (relay/switch triggers power or ground to desired component) $99 Australian dollars, so around $71 USD.
  28. That's an interesting one I saw something similar for a keyless ignition. It had to have a whole set up with coils everywhere. That looks much simpler and of a better design that could simply plug into the old keyhole.
  29. Exactly my thoughts.  Remove lock cylinder, insert RFID device.  Clean look and they come in a variety of colors and with different designs on the front.  They're just a little tough to get a hold of.  They don't appear to have a distributor in North America. 
  30. I wonder if Amazon would carry them. If they do then free shipping could be possible. I will look for them tonight during my overnight.
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