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I'm giving away $200 worth of Nootropics!

Hey everyone,

Steve Cronin here! Just wanted to drop y'all a post letting you know about my $200 Nootropic Starter Kit giveaway, which you can enter by clicking HERE! The giveaway ends tonight at midnight eastern and includes the following products:

(PS: It's not my intention to SPAM this community or leave unwanted posts, so I'm limiting this to one message. I'm a fan here and want to be an ongoing contributor. I have a YouTube channel where I post re: biohacking and nootropics regularly.)

Alpha GPC (Relentless Improvement)
Lion’s Mane (Four Sigmatic)
L-Theanine (Pure Bulk)
Choline Bitartrate (Pure Bulk)
Sulbutiamine (Absorb Health)
Mushroom Coffee w/ Lion’s Mane (Four Sigmatic)
Mushroom Coffee w/ Cordyceps (Four Sigmatic)
Krill Oil (Pure Nootropics)
Kava Root Powder (Kalm with Kava)
BioCreatine (Natural Stacks)
Tribulus (Relentless Improvement)

One lucky winner will get all of this, by entering at

Thanks, and good luck!



Displaying all 3 comments
  1. Hey. I entered, but it seems that the end and reward dates have moved back a day. Is the original giveaway moved, or is this a new giveaway? I'm interested in getting started with Nootropics.
  2. Thanks! Yes, I extended the giveaway 24 hours :)
  3. I'm already experienced with nootropics, but i'm currently rather broke so it'd be awesome to get a restock.
Displaying all 3 comments