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First dr visit in years

Saw my first dr in many a moon today. Gave a full DL on my self and spoke about this site and my future plans. I'm pretty sure she believes I'm slightly crazy but at least listened. Told her to take a look at the site so maybe she will see some of the things going on.


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  1. hi nice to meet you :-) what are your future plans? I doubt real doctors come to this site. Im pretty sure doctors see biohacking as too fringe. I have met many doctors and tyey are extremely conservative. Also I have yet to meet a doctor without a god complex. I mean what is their problem, they are just doctors...ask them about civil engineering and they know nothing. I really dont understand why they think they know everything though, lol. i cant stand tge way they look down on patients. some patients are smarter then the doctors.
  2. Why hello there. I have been following your thread. My future plans are for me to have a magnet in each ring finger, an NFC in my right hand webbing (gonna put my medical history on it if I can fit it because of my far an few between dr visits), I like the idea of a chip in my arm for my bit coin wallet id, I have a tattoo on my arm that's in need of a couple fireflies from alexsmith, I'm trying to pick out some nootropics to try out this summer, this is just a hand full of things I'm going to try and accomplish. You would be surprised at how many people are Drs that don't have any issue. There are a few that have soon up here that claim to be them and there are a few that work with them here. I think the problem is its 1)I'm east coast USA (we tend to be more stuck up in terms of fringe culture) 2) they don't encounter/learn about it. There also seems to be a miss trust of people conducting what appears to be medical type things without the degree. I take issue with people who are game wardens but know nothing of wildlife but they can ticket and arrest me.
  3. We all see people that are not "qualified" and hold them in a bad light.
  4. My wife's a doctor (GP). She even does things like contraceptive implants which go under the skin in the upper arm.

    I asked her to implant my xNT but she wouldn't. She didn't have any medical objection. She just said if I wanted something stupid and geeky then I've have to get it done myself. So I did.
  5. Haha thats what mine said after she did my first one. Mine was a vet tech. She did chips in dogs and she refers to me as a lab so its fitting.
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