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Electro-magnet implants


Displaying comments 31 - 36 of 36
  1. I would suggest against telling people they are anything with out knowledge of that person. I do not need ego stroking so I have no problem saying I am not the smartest person in a room and I will tell you right now @trybalwolf if MUCH more creative then I from everything I have read and seen from him. I don't believe there is true nay saying but only creative criticism or statements of why it COULD/COULDNT work. I believe there is more in the realm of not working and I appear to not be alone unfortunately. Could all of us be wrong? Absolutely but the odds are stacked against you (At the moment). Technology is constantly evolving and the ideas brought up from the past very well may become the normal (think about cell phones and Star Trek). Take the issues and work them out one by one. Don't go after those who say it can't break it down and try and find a solution. I would honestly start external and make a prototype wearable THEN try and downsize it followed by an implant. ------------ What is the true purpose of this device? What is the run time of the device (how long does it need power)? What is your background? (This will aid in people giving basic or advanced information.) These are things you need to answer in order to accomplish something even if it is very basic. ------------- I too believe this could be a troll but I will still humor it in case it is not I wouldn't drop it that quickly no matter how oulandish it might seem. I almost ignored the whole thread because of the reaction you had to my first response. That isn't a good thing the people that can help would completely ignore you if you have that kind of response to people.
  2. better keep complaining about how negative and uncreative I am instead of rebutting my criticisms of your retarded idea.  huh?  i wonder why...  maybe because you realize you're wrong and your idea is nonsensical and impossible at current tech levels...but you don't want to admit it as you've dug yourself too deep.

    or your trolling.  or both.

    >So, in your research, did you do any fact checking

    I know you sure didn't.
  3. Do people want me to close this thread? It might be a troll, or it might be just be someone very ignorant of what's feasible, but there does seem to be a lot of flaming going on, and I think closing the thread would be justified.
  4. yes please close it, it's obviously a troll.  otherwise he would have conceded being wrong given all the evidence shown to him by many members of our forum on how his idea is implausable,

    tl;dr: I rate this troll 8/8
  5. Honestly I would Alex and if he does want to proceed I would suggest a tread that's dedicated to one part of this attempt. Slick if you are serious about this do some research and post some information in a thread for one part make this a modular discussion and avoid calling people out for pointing out problems in the new one.
  6. agreed.
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