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GFIII - 04/22/17 through 04/24/17

Ok, so the dates for GF III are in. 04/22/17 through 04/24/17.

Please check out the info page via this link:

The set up is a tad different next year as we are spending part of a day out in the desert.

If you're interested in presenting please let us know. Also, I'll be compiling all the signup info for the paintball war. You'll need to either supply your own gun etc. or alternatively there's a place in Bakersfield where you can rent. Those wanting to take part in the war, please send me a pm and make sure you end up on the list.. I'll be adding it to this post as I go. 

Also, I edited a previous post labeled paintball war sign-up into this rather than making a new thread. Hope it isn't confusing. 

Teams so far




The Grey Knight









Nav J

Ashley Mc


Displaying all 19 comments
  1. I tentatively say I'd like to participate. We'll see how things go this year. I'd prefer to be on offense, as of now. 
  2. I am in, but I need date asap. I also assume that includes the convention.
  3. @JohnDoe, not sure what you mean by convention.

    Grindfest III (GFIII) will be in the Spring of 2017. If it follows the same timing then possibly in April again. The theme is "Nature of Man" and in addition to grinding, hanging out and talking about community goals there will be the paintball war :) 

  4. That is exactly what I meant by convention, granted I will be more or less in the shadows while there.... Unless someone experienced (read cassox or anyone involved in the first transdermal project) would be willing to help implant something custom....
  5. I will be participating. Would prefer defense. @JohnDoe From my experience it's hard to be in the shadows at grindfest. There's what I'd call an aggressively inclusive atmosphere.
  6. I would be using my real name instead of my screen name is what I meant....
  7. Ok, I edited this thread in order to reflect new info. See the begining post for it to make sense.
  8. Hoping I might be over from New Zealand but won't know until early next year.
  9. please add me to defense, I am not sure I will be able to make it though.
  10. I would love to attend.  We'll see how this whole "money" situation pans out though.  Would it be interesting to anyone if I took the article that I am writing about the history of our movement and turned it into a presentation?  Now this sounds too awesome to be free, but I do not see anything about a price.  Is there one besides the cost of getting there?
  11. No dude. It's free. I mean people often contribute. We usually get a chunk through paypal which helps a lot but certainly isn't mandatory. Bring a six pack or something or make yourself the official drunk wrangler. Basically its run by participants. Itd be great if you want to speak.
  12. That is excellent.  I will definitely speak in some context and contribute as much as I can, assuming I can make it. : )
  13. Cassox:

    I live in South Africa and won't be able to attend this coming April, but this sounds amazing. I wish I could participate. Are you intending to make a video of anything that isn't incriminating? I'd love to hear some of the discussions and even wonder if it is possible to attend in some ways via Skype or Facetime or something? Not sure if there is good internet way out in the desert but I wanted to find out if it is an option and participate to the extent I can vicariously.
  14. Ok. So I'm going to start focusing on this a bit more. Please let me know if you're planning on playing paintball as I'll add you to the appropriate section of slack.
  15. Please could I request that those talks are either recorded and uploaded or streamed live. This would allow everyone not able to attend.
  16. Proteus usually films some stuff. Not sure how viable streaming would be just due to the location and internet connectivity
  17. i can't wait. :D  first grindhack was goddamn amazing.  will be coming for sure, though i'm not too fond of paintball so i will just be cheerleading on the side
  18. Yeah. There will be plenty of other stuff going on so feel free to spectate. Oh and as always if you want a procedure please leery me know ahead of time.
  19. Will you have those diamond coated magnets again?
Displaying all 19 comments