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Paintball War Discussion


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  1. The reason it's one way is so that people can focus on one or the other. Defense could still have excursion teams but I'm not sure if there is going to be enough people. General rule is that weapons effect can't last longer than the game. The thing I'm really trying to solve is the role of armor. I mean, paintballs don't penetrate sure. So pushing a big box with holes for guns across the desert seems a dumb easy solution. If I make an armored suit then can I just walk into camp? I haven't thought of a way around this one. It almost seems like we should have a uncovered torso rule or something.
  2. Armor only does so much. And it may seem like a good idea, but what happens when that box tumbles into a pit or a trench? Or runs into an immobile barricade? Just drive some sturdy wooden/metal poles into the ground, with 5 feet extending above the ground, spaced about... 2 feet apart each. Maybe 3 feet. In the time it takes for you to get that box over the poles, you'll have been shot to hell. And if you wear armor and carry a box... Good luck making it very far... You'll be exhausted in half an hour. Maybe an hour. 

    Fatigue is a big issue. As is heat(even at night). Also, torso shots are... Not really that bad. The 5 N's that hurt the worst in paintball are as follows: Nuts, (K)Nees, Noggin, Neck, and (K)Nuckles. 

    Unarmored torso seems like the most reasonable way to go about it. Another option would be making it harder for people to accomplish the objective in armor? Maybe something like adding 10 pounds worth of ankle-weights, weights in a backpack, etc. per armored area? Or put the flag in a tree (Or on a pole) 10 feet off the ground. Even if you're wearing light armor, that's still like... 40 extra pounds when all is said and done. You'll get jumped by the people who aren't wearing armor, tied up, and interrogated. Maybe tortured a little, if that's what you're going for.  

    Also, Have you ever seen what frozen paint balls will do @cassox? I've seen cracked face masks, holes ripped in plywood... Armor or no, they're gonna hurt like hell. Honest show of hands, who's going out and buying/making full body armor, or even a simple set of greaves, bracers, a vest, and maybe some other assorted parts? If you buy it, that's gonna cost a lot. Body armor isn't cheap. And the stuff they have for regular paintball is... Not going to do a whole lot in this kind of match. And to all of the people thinking of duct taping pillows to themselves... Well, that just isn't going to end well..

    As far as the general rule goes, basically, no maiming? And is contact allowed?(I.E. Can we use melee weapons, martial arts, or go tie someone caught in a snare up and throw them in a "Jail".)

    Also, can we call it Pain-ball? Or does someone have a less punny name?
  3. Rules on biologicals?

  4. @TheGreyKnight if the objective is simply to stop paintball even modified ( and I think you guys should really decide  on what mod are allowed). Building a simple armour that would protect chest and delicated wouldn't be a problem. At least not for me. Light steel, Aluminium , or even cardboard , cut and conpressed. Or more simple socks rolled. It would be a good extra protection with not that much added weight or movement issue. 
    And it could be done under the mimetica. 
  5. What do you mean by "biologicals" @glims ? Are we talking chemicals? Or bacteria/viruses? Like drugging the enemy team's water?

    Also, @kuroro86 that's why I suggested the extra weight rule. Frozen paintballs are also on an entirely different level from normal ones...
  6. um, i think you meant to tag glims
  7. @Cassox Taking into account the environment is Desert more than a defense/ Attack but a transport/Intercept type of game. You give a map of a large terrain and give to Transport team a point to bring a package ( flare gun or really loud whistle )  to a point. And if they to in X:XX time they win. If the package is used they loose and Time is taken. 
    Than swap team and repet. The one with less time wins or that bring package in spot. 

    BTW I think that rules on Contact and "torture" should be decide before hand and take into account different possibility. 
    I think we had already are good does of amateru sadism : 
  8. @ The greyknigth I now the effect of frost and frozen liquid on hard surface. In my opinion it would be to dangerous for a game. Naturally it depend on what is frozen. 
  9. Your pictures are a similar color, darn it! Transport would definitely make for a great match... With the "offense" being the transporters, and the defense being the raiders.

    I think it would be interesting to incorporate magnetic implants or something like that along the way. 
  10. Your pictures are a similar color, darn it! 

    Eh? ( confused ) 
  11. Meaning glims and chironex. I saw grey, and didn't look closer. 
  12. Plus how will you define armor and the extra weight it has to have as punishment. To me it is obvious people are going to bring some extra defense , knowing that you are going to be shoot at. And what about gas mask or similar , how are you going to count them ? 
    I think is best that everybody brings extra gear. Depending on limitation you put it could be quite cheap to protect your self. 

    Edit: Defence is a part of warfare as much as attack , not gearing up is as not bringing any gun to a battle, it is pretty much pointless. 
  13. I usually run in an M15 gas mask, BDUs and a hoodie with knee pads and boots for airsoft.

    Anyone who's done significant movement in a gas mask will tell you how difficult it is; it's like having asthma unless you have one of the wide aperture filters. Your breathing is very restricted. I personally run without a filter until there's a cause for it, then pop a filter.
  14. hmmm what's the rule on animal weapon systems? can anyone source some fire ants?
  15. Bullet ant nest right on the flag. Defenders win. X_x Will not try.jpg
  16. I have so many fire ants here... I might be persuaded to mail a box over, but I'm not bringing it in my luggage...

    For your own safety, do not utilize spiders of any sort, or there will be problems...
  17. This is escalating quickly.... We need to set some ground rules....
  18. @TheGreyKnight btw, I'm from Australia, we have quite a few interesting spiders here, very tempted to bring some >:)
  19. Ok now I'm glad I live too far for my broke ass since we are talking spiders
  20. WE NEED GROUND RULES!! No explosives (including firearms) No projectiles that within reason could kill or maim someone (freak (spider related) accidents are okay....) No fire weapons (okay let's debate this one I am kinda pyro) no toxic chemical weapons no biological weapons (Why does that need to be said....) electric weapons including but not limited to teasers and cattle prods are allowed. Safety gear Z87 safety glass and some sort of face and head protection required.... Sincerely, John Doe
  21. Well, I'm sure @glims had something in mind when he mentioned biologicals.
  22. Should we? I don't want to see someone make dame anthrax or the bird flu.... Maybe down it with some Ebola....
  23. Can anyone think of a good deployment mechanism for nitrous oxide?
  24. No2 plate coffee system four of five in parallel....
  25. ALL the wandering spiders! D:>

    I like the idea of a rock. Can we just use a rock?

    Like... a REALLY big rock?
  26. @Thegrayknigth I believe he meant something on the lines of a stink bomb made by human excrement. Or other bio material that would really make you vomit or feel disgusted. But mine is just a guess. 

    LOL just thinking how do you sa shitt in Biohacking : biologicals 

    EDIT: I just find weird how this is being build up. I would suggest the all electric tool are from a Bondage or Fetish club. Those are design with human in mind, And can be set to lower level. Keep in mind there are Cattle rod design for Cattle and they are design to cause pain to a best of 1 ton of meat that you boys and girls don't have. 

    2) When a toys design to be used multiple times ( like a cattle rod ) it is going to be  used multiple times. And It is harder to judge the quantity of pain you inflict in a period of time than just all at once. 

    Are there any youtube video or media from GF II ? 
  27. Anybody who sets foot on this battlefield instead of piloting a drone is a complete idiot.
  28. Or there to prove a point.... What happens if your drone crashes?
  29. @JohnDoe Sent another one, they are mass produce. And while n°2 finished the job you build better one. 
  30. Fair enough....
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