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Fresh implant, magnet weak

After about 2 years since my last implant (too shallow and came out.) I finally decided to try one again. I definitely got a good deep pocket this time but Im notocing the magnet wont lift anything, even a staple. I can feel my microwave and whatnot. Is the swelling a factor in the weakness of the magnet? I tested it prior and it was pretty good strength. I didnt autoclave it just used chloraprep to clean it. Its a 3mm by 1mm parylene n52 if that helps


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  1. Swelling could be doing it. It might also be too deep, but if say let it sit for a while and see if it moves a tiny bit.
  2. distance from the surface will affect your perception of the strength of the magnet.  and the swelling from your implantation procedure adds distance.  once the swelling goes away the strength of your magnet will appear to "increase"
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