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Survey - Implants. What do you have and use?

Hey folks, 

I'm doing my PhD in devices that go in, through and underneath the skin. 

It would be great if you have 5 minutes to fill out a survey about any devices you have! Available here 

Thanks in advance! 



Displaying all 5 comments
  1. There you go
  2. You also miss spelt you put
  3. You're survey has nothing about augmentation. This is, in my opinion, one of the most important reasons for getting an implant.
  4. Participated.
  5. Survey completed. That was fun. I did just want to specify that "rfid" and "nfc" implants are both actually rfid. NFC is a subtype of rfid that uses a higher 13.56MHz frequency than standard rfid (125kHz).
Displaying all 5 comments