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So ive seen a few things on this and I was curious to know if subdermal armor really works? Like how do you get it underneath your skin and make it stay there? Do you like weld it to your bones or something? Lastly what material would be most optimal for this?

(P.S if anyone wants to know a very simple way to get tougher bones then you can just spend like an hour or so everyday hitting the target bone area with something hard(or even against a tree) and it will then calcify and harden)


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  1. I believe it was discussed as a composite material. Also the way to put it under the skin was through cutting the skin and inserting it. The issues that came up was blood flow to the skin. It would end up killing most of the skin it was behind. Stay away from your bones. Have you done a search yet? These discussions you are asking about have already happened. The topic is titled subdermal armor.
  2. Why not attach them to your bones?
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