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Human Factors Research as a method for Grinders.

Hello all;

I'd like to begin our discussion about research methods, and how to capture useful data. To introduce this, I would like to put forth the concept of human factors psychology, and how that might be combined with other clinical methods, and similar designs from the biological and medical sciences to help design some useful protocols for the community.

Human factors psychology is related to ergonomics, and the interface with human beings and the technologies they use. Human factors psychology is used most heavily in engineering and aviation (air force, NASA, etc.) to test how things like heads-up displays can be augmented to promote wakefulness in pilots, etc. As a start, I'd like to just share this set of introductory slides on human factors research methods.


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  1. I am just going to start posting some relevant research methods here, so that we can just have them in a single source. Maybe later, they might need to be separated and compiled.

    Here is how you set up single-subject test designs. The example here is in educational research. Since these designs measure "hard" data, such as frequency, intensity, latency, duration, etc., they can easily be applied to the exploratory research done by grinders with little tailoring.

    Single subject designs.
  2. More on single subject, and small n designs.

    As you can see here, the range of biostatistical designs does not account much for small n and single subjects designs, and in terms of how r&d is trending right now in this community, it is almost exclusively single subject, and small n, so we will have to borrow methods.
  3. Biomedical Case Study Approaches
  4. I'll stop here for now. Reading over this material, are there any particularly striking aspects of these designs that you can see being used in ongoing biohacking research done by citizen scientists? Which methods do you foresee being most useful. The methods I have posted above are by no means exhaustive, but given the community size, sample, and multiple locations, these methods probably offer the best methodologies for translating the exploratory research of grinders into something that can be refined into further applications and provide useful data for future study. Of course, this all depends on the community level of interest, and willingness to engage with research.
  5. This looks like good material to be added to the wiki. Would you be willing to do that?
  6. Yes.

  7. Hmm. Give me something concrete. Can you provide an example of how this would be used?
  8. Oh wait. I missed that link. Makes more sense now.
  9. Nav. The second round on Vip will be starting in about a month. I'll need your help with design at that point. Hopefully we can set up a weekly chat?
  10. That's fine. Probably best to just add me to the slack.
    [email protected]
  11. There are actually quite a few links, but they show up as a rather dull color, and thus may be fairly easy to miss.
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