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Nootropic patchs

Any advice I don't see me being able to try this soon. I would think that this would be easy enough, just would need the right contacts and equipment. I looked twice but didn't find a thread, surely someone has tried this before. My goal here is try and administer trickier nootropics like say NSI-189, or just make a way that is (possibly) less likely to end in a over dose. Think of this as something like a nicotine patch,

John Doe


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  1. So administration through skin? I would think you need to have it be fine enough to pass through that layer. Is the noot you are thinking of in that size? Maybe try turning it into a cream or lotion also could work.
  2. Oh and a little off topic but I like the pic change :)
  3. I have zero clue as to the answer to that, couldn't I run it through a ball mill? As for the molecule size I have heard of people poisoning them selfs with sharpies by drawing on them selfs.... Which brings me to my largest concern period is epoxy that is safe for skin in the long term. I googled homemade nicotine patch and got a write up on a guy who committed sucide by those things.... (Safe my ass....) Thanks I found that on Google awhile back been needing to put it up.... Sincerely, John Doe
  4. Yeah, this sounds dangerous and difficult. Not that there is anything wrong with that...

    Most noots require a really high level of consumption before you can overdose. You might get a little twitchy, but you're fine.

    For the things that have a noticeable negative effect, you really need to go for it to get there. Like, if you safe dose is 40mg and you end up deciding to take 200mg, then you would probably smack patches on and get the same effect anyway. NSI for instance, isn't hard to take. Measure the stuff, put it under your tongue....

    Still, sounds interesting enough.
  5. NSI-189, in the wiki it says legal  status : Unschedule . Does it mean unregulated? 
  6. It means you won't get drug charges for having it.
  7. Hum I could have sworn that NSI189 was IV only.... I would also have to wounded if effects couldn't be seen for a longer duration.... Intriguing if nothing else....
  8. Paper on making transdermal patches. LINK
    They use a diabetes drug but I presume most other drugs could be made to work in a similar fashion. 
  9. IV? Nah. You might be thinking about cerebrolysin John. this is a very cool concept.... It reminds me of THC infused topicals.
  10. Thanks for the link chrionex! I will be looking into this some more, and rereading that paper again.
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