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m31 removal in Australia?

I have an m31 in my tragus that needs to be removed. The guy I would normally go to is out of town and there's nobody else close to me to get it done. I'm going on vacation in a few days and will be in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Canberra. I was told I should contact Stone Heart in Sydney, but they haven't emailed me back and I just emailed a place in Melbourne (forgot their name). Anyway, do any of you have any suggestions on where I can go?

I can't do it myself. I tried. I bought sterile gloves and scalpels off Amazon and I missed the mark and didn't cut deep enough. Then I had a friend try after that healed up and she didn't cut deep enough. So I need someone who knows what they're doing. Please and thank you.

Also, how bad is it to keep this thing in my ear after the case has split? The spot on my ear is discolored. But I let my other ear stay like that for a while before getting it removed because I thought it was just bruised. It's like permanently black from the magnetic bits that are still in there, but otherwise it's fine.


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  1. why do you need to take it out?
  2. It's not terrible to leave it in there, if the coating is truly compromised it will probably reject on it's own. Of course, that will mess up your body's heavy metal levels, stress your liver and kidneys, and perhaps with all the digging that's been done on your ear screw up it's structure. But nothing, you know, life threatening.

    Call up piercing shops. Find someone who does implants. Once you find a good piercer, explain your situation. Feel them out from there.

    If you don't get anything solid by the first day, find a doctor. 

    If you believe the coating is compromised, or you have perhaps an infection, also, find a doctor.
  3. @alexsmith might know a guy or two that can help.
  4. @pib I know it's compromised because it looks the same as the one that I had removed where the coating was split open. My ear is fine, it can take some scalpel cuts. Nobody around here will do anything other than pierce and tattoo, so I guess doctor time? fuck. It's been messed up for a few weeks.
  5. I use The Piercing Urge in Melbourne for some stuff, but I'm not sure if they would do this or not, you could ask though.

    But honestly, why not just go to a doctor? Doctors are usually not willing to do implants for legal and ethical reasons, but they are generally happy to remove them.
  6. I just got back from 2 different clinics. Explained how easy it would be to do and nobody would do it. Instead they said they'd set me up for a surgery when I get back from vacation in like a month. So, nobody local to do it. I would like to find a place in Sydney. I'm going to show up to Stone Heart and ask, but dude never emailed me back so I dunno. Thanks for the melb suggestion. That was actually the other place I emailed and couldn't remember the name of, so hopefully they'll get back to me.
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