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Coating Experiment

I've been gathering all the information I can grab in regards to growing cell cultures in a lab, it may be possible to my understand to grow bones that are biologically your own which would take a very good amount of time (Think multiple months, not weeks).  It does seem like so long as you keep the bone fed with nutrients it needs to grow, you'll be able to make the bone potentiall grow and shape around your implant, preferably a small magnet.

The idea is to coat the magnet with something that'll be less likely to be rejected.  Your body is less likely to reject your own biological substances.  I've not started the experiment yet as I need more time and money (Not asking you for cash, I'll do it on my own) and I need to get the balls to do it on account of how deep I actually would need to go to get it.  The bone culture will be taken from my leg from the shin since that bone is relatively close to the skin with minimal muscle fibre to get damaged and should have shorter healing time than other places.

What potential problems can you guys think of that would possibly arise from the experiment or implantation?


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  1. Eh think @chrionex beat you to it, he has made something at least vary much like what your doing for his transdermal project.

    Here's one. I know that Glims/Cassox had fun with something too. ^^
  3. Thanks for the linkage and details.  So they've done something similar, but not exact, so my project does have a few key differences.  One is the attempt to grow actual bone around the implant and completely seal it organically.  Second, considering the nature of the coating, I've also taken into account from the shared thread something I haven't though of, which is getting tissue to form and cling.

    I don't think tissue sticking to the bone implant will be difficult to get to grow around it naturally, however, it might be a wise idea to also create a healthy skin or muscle culture to finalize the coating to essentially give it that extra potential kick.  This might also decrease overall healing time, unsure.

    I'll continue looking around and researching more.  I'd prefer to be well versed before making an attempt.  Anyway, getting back to reading.
  4. I think you're wasting your time trying to grow bone. It's both technically demanding and also, taking a sample of your own bone is waaaaaaay overkill. Also my coating works in anyone, no need to take a chunk out of yourself. It calcifies as soon as you implant it and give the cells an ideal place to grow into. It even has some biomarkers to direct which cells should grow there. This could be bone or skin or both. 

    even if growing actual bone around the thing helped, the equipment for something like that would be a massive pain. And you'll need my coating or something similair anyway or the cells won't stick properly. So I'm not super confident in your ability to get the thing to even grow around the magnet nicely. 

    What you're suggesting is interesting though but maybe not for this project. I do like the idea of incoperating living tissues into an implant, but this sounds like a lot more work and pain than it's worth. If you're really set on this you'll need to do a fair bit of study into proper cell culture and it's requirements. If you had a local diybio lab or local university you can talk into helping you you'd be far better off.
  5. @Chironex my first attempt at the experiment won't involve bone but living animal tissue, I'm way too far early be to dealing with experimenting with human tissues at the moment.  And that is one of the roadblocks I've hit in my research is the requirements for growing bone into a specified shape.

    I need more lab equipment than what I have access to, and a lot more funding.  Would be a different story if I were able to get a university to assist with the experiment.  Something I'll try pitching later if I decide to continue into experimentation rather than research.

    My main goal with this train of thought is how to make it bioproof, durable and allow for reduced recovery time.  So far, I don't think I'll actually being doing the experiment.  I'm probably just going to continue researching it, then write a paper on the hypothesis and release it into the wild.
  6. Yeah, I'm just going to continue researching and just compile a paper on what I've learned and publish it.  Maybe it'll come in handy or useful for someone with greater resources than myself.
  7. If this bone coating were to be damaged in the body, what would the reaction be? Could it heal?
  8. @Nick1 The idea principle behind it is that the bone, if broken somehow, would indeed heal as it's fed after implanation from the body.  The idea is to make implants that could heal.  It would still be worthwhile to have other coating to avoid having direct content with the magnet, so things from like Dangerous Things would still be required for this.
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