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Screwy magnets.... Would these be a good idea for implanting in a stereoscopic fashion, or even between fingers?They could be made to not repel or attract each other.... Could these be better magnets over all? Maybe the serial effect disk is real....(sarcasm) Sincerely, John Doe


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  1. @JohnDoe, I saw these on Hackaday today! Im thinking custom made magnets that could be custom made to a client's specific needs(size, shape, etc).

     For instance, someone may have quite smaller fingers and even a m31 is too big, and vice versa. That is just a simple example, and probably not the best...but you get the gist 

     Link to HaD article:

  2. O_O Shiny
  3. Ahhh you beat me to it by a few hours. I was thinking the same thing, maybe am m31 with many poles on the skin side of the disc... that could help with picking up EM feilds? Maybe I'll send them an email and see what they think, and what the smallest magnet they are able to program.
  4. whhhhhhhaaaatttt the.......?!?! Sooo cool.
  5. Ive been trying to get very small halback arrays to work but this seems far better.
  6. Excited to see were this goes, and who gets tired of paying this company and does it them selves first....
  7. @Cassox it looks like they are trying to 'print' halback arrays in some of these magnets. But the way they are doing it doesnt really allow them to do a true halback array since they can only change north south at any time, not (what would it be called east west?) sideways.
  8. Yeah. But i bet they could make two rings and fit them together.
  9. Hey ben. Do you want to speak sat morning or night?
  10. @cassox I would be cool to talk in the morning 
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