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Dual magnet implants, ring and thumb, and a trip to Las Vegas

Almost a week ago today I had two magnets put in my left hand. I put an M36 3x6mm rod in the outside edge of my thumb, and a 5x1mm disc in the pinky side of my ring finger. I have unusually thick skin and relatively large fingers so I am happy that I went this large at this stage of healing. 

The M36 size was previously coated in Parylene-C upon manufacturing and then coated in FDA-2t epoxy. The 5x1mm disc in my ring finger was a standard N52 manget, coated in nickel and then directly coated in the FDA-2t epoxy. These were both inserted within a 30 minute period by @benbeezy

I have posted my images to Imgur in relatively chronological order here:

Each of the pictures in pairs  of the thumb and ring represents one day (whenever I woke up and took the pictures) to give an Idea of day by day healing as I was on vacation in Las Vegas.

I will continue to keep everyone updated on healing as you all would like to hear it as there is still much healing to go, but here is what I have found so far:

Both of these are larger than I planned going into the procedure. I pictured an m31 size in both fingers, though I did initially plan these locations, and am super happy that I did both of those things going large but staying with these locations. The size for my fingers and skin thickness is great, and these locations seem to be providing what I expected, input through both the ulnar and medial nervous systems.

I can already pick up small objects like springs and bottle caps NO problem especially with the rod in my thumb(not finding out what I CAN lift till they are healed though I suspect a small spoon to be totally possible using both magnets) . I can already feel most microwaves, up close DC motors, and power supplies, neon light transformers (yeah I spend a bit too much time at the bar) etc.

What really shocked me was the feeling of an escalator going to a buffet on about day 2 of healing. It made me tingle past my wrist and persisted for up to 20 minutes afterwards. I at first thought this was coincidental healing. I went about my day, and went to the rugby sevens tourney that I was in town for with my family not thinking toooo much about it.

Well two nights later I was walking back up to the cashier in the nearest casino to our hotel (Planet Hollywood if anyone cares) and experience the same albeit FAR less intense sensation. I proceeded to walk around as many escalators as I could to see what might be happening. If you count up and down as "two" escalators I could feel 7 of 30 that I tried, undeniably. One side was always stronger than the other (though not always up or down, it varied) while you can see from the stats that I was unable to feel one side of one at all while getting a rather apparent feeling form the other side.

I am just starting to enter the phase where especially my ring finger wants to peel so I am just getting out any fluids that I can and keeping the skin on as long as possible but all in all they feel better everyday and seem to be healing well, especially as you can see, my thumb, which I suspect will not peel at all. I will be avoiding picking up even bottle caps or anything until the skin stops peeling on my ring finger.

I have had some weeping and yellow skin issues in the ring in the past day or two which you can also see near the bottom of the photo chain, though I do not perceive this to be an infection but rather healing from the trauma of having a 5mm x 1mm disc shoved into a relatively "low" capillary action area. I had to use a lance to drain some dark blood and a day later it showed yellow skin which leads me to believe it is left behind dead white blood cells. Especially with reduction in redness and pain rather than an increase to accompany the yellowness.

those of you with more experience... PLEASE check out the photos and let me know.

On a side note those magna doddle images were at the rugby tournament while I stole the baby's toy (you can see her seemingly angelic face in the background (dont let her fool you she is a demon)) The "that's way less fun" photo was written with the pen and was... way less fun, haha. I will see if you guy's can read the other one that was written with my ring finger with ease. The dots... The rod is the thumb and the one to the right is my ring finger, both "imprinted" as best as I could manage. Pretty cool visualizations... I think I am off to the store to by a magna doodle and a wooly willy!

Let me know if you guys want more healing info, or have any questions and super most importantly, INPUT!


sorry no summary, check another thread hahaha


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  1. This is an incredibly interesting to me because I think that the m31 is not a one size fits all kind of magnet. You have a lot larger fingers and your skin is a lot thicker. A m31 would almost be a waist because of your finger type.
  2. that first image looks not how mine were.  i had 4 steve haworth ones done via needle implant and then had 2 samppa rods done. both were done by different implanters as i am looking to see who has the best technique and seeing how either healing processes go. the steve magnets have healed nicely  and just waiting on the samppa ones to heal
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