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RFID too broadly named?

Hi so I was thinking RFID and NFC are kinda the same thing only one is near field and one is not. A quick Google search states NFC is a subset of RFID. That being said is there a proper name for the class of RFID that is generally mentioned?


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  1. That is like Googleing ford engine to some degree, and I agree with that it is a subset to rfid.... Just a evolution of it....
  2. So you don't think the name RFID is a broad name for something that has multiple types? Even NFC is more like a protocol to me. ( by protocol I mean how it works as in, near field communication)
  3. I think it is okay. It's just describing a technology that all works on the same basic principle. They same way if I said Internal Combustion Engine, you'd know what I was talking about. Regardless of the many different types of engines there are, they all work on the same basic principle
  4. @chrisbot No disagreement, but there are extremely important and huge differences between two strokes and four stroke and six stroke ICE's. What you can do with one will destroy another. >~< RFID is still useful as a blanket term in the same regard, and like an ICE, will share many many fundamental theories of operation, but there can also be large differences.
  5. @Zerbula, my point exactly
  6. I see both your points but if I asked some one to help with an ICE and said it wasn't starting. You could give me a number of things to try that wouldn't work because it simply wasn't apart of that type. That's why there are names put to each one if I said a triton engine a gear head would know I'm talking ford or if I said Cummings diesel a gear head would know it. Just like a tech person would be able to tell the difference on circuit boards for what they can do. But if I didn't ask with a specific piece of information they couldn't help. If I wanted to ask about an RFID chip that works only close up I wouldn't necessarily be wrong in the word use since they both are radio frequency.
  7. You wouldn't be wrong. ^^ It is that lack of information that creates confusions. NFC does fall under RFID. But the same way you are describing those engines, What about the humble little 4-MIX engine? If you run gasoline without oil mixed in through it, you will destroy the engine. It has valves and timing. It's a four stroke principle engine that still needs two stroke full synthetic mix to run right. Or rather, run properly at all. AWESOME engine. But just one little problem. x-x
  8. @MeanderPaul, I think I understand now. What you're saying is just like there can be be different types of engines, (2-stroke, 4-stroke, etc) that all have their own specifications and such, the same is true for RFID. Which is why there should be names for the different types of RFID systems/tags/protocols used, other than just RFID. Am I correct?
  9. RFID is precisely as broad as it needs to be. As it stands for "Radio Frequency IDentification" it encompasses any system using radio frequencies with a code as a unique identifier.  There are sub-types of simple  RFID and more complex systems like NFC (which is different enough to warrant a separate name). Having a separate name for every subset of simple RFID, which operate on the same principles but different energies, would make the whole concept more cumbersome.

    If you want to refer to subcategories of RFID, you should be using the frequency.

    The ones implanted are usually low or medium frequency, since UHF is fairly readily absorbed by skin.
  10. @chrisbot absolutely what I meant. @electricfeel so other then using the frequency to name the RFID there is no other true name of what we refer to as RFID if I'm understanding correctly.
  11. RFID is a category, like magnet. Subtypes are described by characteristic, which for RFID is frequency.
  12. Ok that makes it real simple thank you @electricfeel
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