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Anybody got magnets?

So the two places people were potentially getting magnets from that i have found are : alexsmith and Dangerous things. both Are not offering stuff for sale as of now, so does anybody know any place i can get a TiN m31? 
is the market that limited for single order m31's?
any info would be nice 


Displaying all 6 comments
  1. The prospects are sad right now. I'm looking for 2.
  2. Welcome to my waiting game. Please have a seat. ^^ Both parties are currently working on it, dangerous things attempting to procure more from a manufacturer that can make consistently good ones, forecasted a few months, cyberise working on doing their final tests on a batch last I heard a few weeks ago. Issues with ordering multiple I don't think would be an issue. I'd be cautious expecting to order a dozen. If this is a few for yourself, go to town I'd assume. ^^ There's been the occasional person throwing out a couple that they've had for sale, unopened, and decided to re sell out of recouping payments due to deciding not to install them for whatever reason. I'm not aware of anybody else in the game procuring magnets. Basically, it's a waiting game. >~<
  3. well blimey!  guess i'll just have to check dangerous things every few hours....
  4. Why don't you look at what @benbeezy showed me? Seems like good stuff....
  5. If forecasted timeframes go as expected, I would say check cyberise more often... Maybe every other day... @AlexSmith I think I've waited long enough to annoy you again by tagging your name. XD Any new word?
  6. i have some magnets coming that has parylene coating 4mm x 2mm . i will also be having rods which are 4mm x 2mm Grade n52 in parylene
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