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Gender fluidity in biohacking?


Displaying comments 31 - 35 of 35
  1. No that's how some people are about sexual orientation, it's like there a different thing every day....
  2. Yes, that is exactly how people are when their gender identity and sexual orientation, neither of which is under their control. It's a different thing every day because lucky people who were fortunate enough to be born with all the correct default settings are just now learning that people are much more complex than their personal experience has shown.
  3. what does channer trash mean?
  4. Someone from 4chan/8chan/etc
  5. I'd like to point out, if it hasn't been, that gender fluidity and sexual fluidity aren't in and of themselves an identity or gender expression, but rather a description of movement on a continuum of gender identity and sexuality. I think that it is important to make sure this distinction is made, so that people don't fall short in how they identify, as saying "gender fluid" or "sexually fluid", is just stating something that all humans have either more or less of in terms of movement.

    Then, beyond this, the question becomes, does transhumanism / biohacking attract people with a greater or lesser degree of gender and sexual fluidity? Does it stimulate an increase or decrease in fluidity? It might become a chicken and egg question that can only be accounted for by individual narratives, rather than actual proportions. Thoughts?
Displaying comments 31 - 35 of 35