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Long-Term Magnets

I have been interested for a while in a magnetic implant but just recently found the spreadsheet for the people who reported theirs. I am wondering about some a little more long-term like 5+ years. I am not worried as much about having it redone but I don't want the sensation to change as I suspect reimplanting another magnet would do. Thanks for any information!


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  1. If it rejects you need time to heal before you can just go and implant another. With good after care they will last indefinitely, just be careful and don't be (to) stupid with them. The longest I can think of are 3ish years, from cassox.
  2. As long as you're putting a good magnet in there and not causing any permanent nerve damage, everything is re healed correctly, the process is done correctly... Some people here have had to reattempt it once or twice after rejection or failures, with success after attempts. Full sensation is gained after approximately 6 months for all the internal scar tissue to heal. As long as the place you were in planting has completely healed then you let it completely heal with the same magnet reimplanted, I don't think there's any reason It shouldn't have the same sensation. Go with the m31. It's the most permanent one that exists right now. ^^
  3. I've got an M31, and I'm a month away from the 1 year mark. If I don't damage it, it should be with me forever.
  4. So the M31s would be best? I am a little worried with some people saying the discs will flip which can be painful. Is it really that bad?
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