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what kind of bio modification could i do?

OKAY, i love biology and i am passionate about the molecular and cellular biology field. anyways, i was wondering if it would be possible to  work towards a superhuman modifications such as DARPA claims and how you know maybe like 'CAPTAIN AMERICA" would have.
i want to do bio mods but have no idea where i should start! i mean, this is dealing with the cellular and molecular makeup of the human body after all!


Displaying all 19 comments
  1. Captain America is fantasy. The actor who plays him is fit and that is a matter of exercise, diet and life choices. You can be fit too by working out but having bullet-resistant skin and super strength by taking a serum is not feasible.
  2. The first thing you should do is check out the wiki. It has a lot of great ideas on what to start, how to start it, and why to start. •Luko
  3. I would argue that for a fit body steroids could significantly improve performance. That said its not exactly safe nor would I advise that you go and so that.... It's not that it can't be done at all just not safely....
  4. I think this sort of discussion comes around to the classic clickbait you see scattered around the internet

    "Better than steroids, learn his secret!" That sort of thing.

    It's intriguing though, if there was some sort of super supplement that you could take in addition to diet and exercise. 

    I HIGHLY doubt there is though.

  5. DARPA I will promise you had done research into this, any branch of military really I can promise has done a lot of research into this subject I would poke around a little there if you are truly interested. Just don't have high hopes for anything "ground breaking", and if it is don't expect it to be easy or practical. Everything you read there's a reason why its funding was cut or not rutinly used in exercising. That said I wish you the best. The only real research I have done is a system like tDCS. Sincerely, John Doe
  6. Oddly enough check out the nazi super soldier. They were OBSESSED with it if any one was able to ever come up with it they would. I didn't follow rules or cared for safety measures.
  7. Heard about that before, evil experiments chilling just to think about. Don't know ware truth becomes fiction, but those were pretty rough. Not for fate of hart. @meanderpaul What do you mean by "I didn't follow rules or cared for safety measures"
  8. The best, worst Freudian slip. Obviously he's a surviving Nazi researcher who secretly succeeded in his longevity experiments after fleeing to Peru seventy years ago. Now the cat's out of the bag, he'll have to accelerate his plans for the rise of the Fourth Reich. Or maybe it was just a typo or errant autocomplete suggestion. But reclusive immortal Nazis are way more fun.
  9. my secrets been revealed! Haha Yes you are correct it was a mistype or was it....
  10. #_# It* didn't follow rules... This escalated quickly...
  11. I usually does.... All seriousness though if you look at some of their work you might find something interesting and I do understand that they used lots of propaganda but it was something they really did believe was possible and tried to accomplish. I'm sure there is existing work some where I just don't know where to look. :/ sorry I can't be of more help.
  12. Just because someone wants something to work doesn't mean they can do it. They authorized all sorts of crazy batshit experiments that were totally useless. In terms of crazy biology we have more today than they could ever imagine and there's plent you can do without trying to replicate the fucking nazis. you're better off reading a biology textbook or 7 and learning modern biology. Once you've done that, then pick a project. How about growing human cells in an apple? with modern science you can do that. with nazi science less so. 
  13. Obviously I'm not saying that's the answer and that they were ahead of us or knew more. @superhuman123 basicly asked for that kind of thing. I do agree they failed and I would never say what they did was right. If they did succeed I think people would have known/noticed some bullet proof, firebreathing giant during the war.
  14. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!
  15. @superhuman123 Haha no one was thinking that, please know we are not a bunch of nazis. It's just that conversations here tend to wonder and change, it's our greatest strength. That said like anything else it has its side effects....
  16. Sure does jump around quickly. But that's the way most of the people work like here as John Doe said. That was just a little suggestion I made. I definitely would consider this site full of nazis. Please understand that. Also just a pointer turn off caps lock it sends the wrong message to some people.
  17. @Meanderpaul "I definitely would consider this site full of Nazis." Bro I like you but is there something your not telling us? 0_o second slip of the tounge. JK @Superhuman123 I believe @Chrionex was/is working on a genetics project that had a lot of potential, I also was hoping to get involved with that project due to the fact I have a personal debt to a friend in it.
  18. Man I'm really getting bad...that one was no excuse lol. I'm gonna quit while I'm still semi sane.
  19. Don't work I know your no t a nazii.
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