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Cryptochrome 1a
Recently some German scientists have discovered that some mammals have a flavoprotein called cryptochrome 1a in their eyes, making it a possibility that they have magnetoreception. Birds are most commonly known to sense the electromagnetic fields of the earth, and their eyes also contain cryptochrome 1a.
So if we are finding out that some mammals have this protein, do you guys believe it's possible to modify humans to create or otherwise have this protein so that we would be able to sense these fields as well?
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Can't you feel north with a M31?
@JohnDoe, not even a little bit. Anybody who thinks they can is experiencing placebo.
Okay thanks, that's something I have heard a lot about actually....
Do we have an approximate idea of what this would look like?Edit; as if you were the bird.
Supposedly it's normal vision, with possible light patterns overlain. Sounds like what i expected, kind of.
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