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Getting papers out from behind paywalls

Hey there, long time since I contributed actively.. I hope this isn't old news, but I was recently made aware of this site that could so far grab any paper I needed, paywall or no paywall: Give it a shot, hope it helps.


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. In the past we collaborated to get access to papers we need. You best add the link to the wiki. Nice find btw.
  2. @Ben how does it work? Every search string I put in goes to a "download this browser extension" page. 
  3. Is there a way to search for field of interest? 
  4. I can be contacted if anyone has a need for research papers not provided there.
  5. Yeah. Sci-hub is the shit eh? Kuroro, search for what you want first and then punch it into sci-hub to get access. It's not really set up to be searched efficiently.
  6. Even google scholar is better in terms of finding papers of interest.
  7. Note, there's a thing on twitter called #icanhaspdf where you tweet the papers you need with that hashtag and if someone has access they'll send you it.
  8. I'm real curious as to how this works. Unless it is just another pirate site constantly fighting a shut-down.

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