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Crispr procedure

i know quite a bit about crispr but nothing really on procedures done with it, how exactly would it work? it's permanent right? how much would the cost of the whole experiment be with this(as i have heard that it is quite cheap to do)? is this a viable method for dna altercation? does it require a giant lab setup? whats the "bare minimum" toolset") (eg, equipment tools machinery and the like) required to use this stuff to modify someones dna?
If someone could answer my questions i would extremely appreciate it 


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  1. You're going to have to narrow this down a bit. Other than the word "crispr" this basically sounds like the I want to do have my own biotech lab.

    Crispr is cheap compared to other biotechnology. Think about that for a bit.

    How do you know quite a bit about crispr and nothing about procedures done with it? Are we looking for a classic glims rant on biology? I will mention that crispr is a very new technology and people are very excited about it, but it's really just a better way to do things that we already knew how to do. Google zinc finger.

    Do you want to just try it out on bacteria? There's an indiegogo for that. Do you want to have your own lab so that you can manufacture your own? Eh, that's a bit more expensive.

    Here's a paper on doing crispr in plants.

    Here's a nice overview article on the many crispr potentials and procedures.

    Crispr is a targeted technology. If I go in and edit a targeted location in a bacteria, that's useful. You can do a lot with that. Editing one cell that grows into billions is cool. Say I have a human being and I edit one skin cell. Do you realize how boring that is? However, if you edited the human in a developmental point, that might be a lot more interesting. Your bare minimum to modify someones dna just went off the charts tho...
  2. If mastered, the goal will to be edit stem cell lines, thereby making changes permanent in our decedents.
  3. I'm gonna do a little derailing here.
    Do you appreciate the modularity of your digital systems? The ability to swap out apps, boot loaders, kernels, jailbreak, etc?
    If so, why would you be excited about hard coding something into a piece of dna so that everyone after you has to use your code?  It's like getting a phone with bloatware. I totally appreciate that t-mobile thinks that xyz apps are going to really help my life, but they are sooo wrong and it's annoying. Now imagine that, but in your genes. Yaaaay :(

    My point is that we should be looking to modular solutions. As life is dynamic, so should we be.

    Crispr is a scalpel. Most conversations talk about using it like a hammer. It would be interesting to see some more elegant solutions to things.
  4. Also, a "descendant" and a "decedent" are two VERY different things XD
  5. @glims something like this sci-fi video?
  6. D:>

    That's scary looking. 
  7. @Alex: Sorry for the necro, I always want to ask, but that's not real is it? Because if it is I'd like to know how they did it. :P
  8. Anyone have a good paper/link that explains means of delivery?
    (afaik its a problem to reach bone marrow and so on)
  9. oh wow i completely forgot about/that i had started this thread actually. yeah my original question was more in line with Wyldstorms one above ^ but over the recent months iv'e researched into crispr i still can't find much info on the tech they use to actually alter the crispr packets and then inject them into said subject to infect it, nor have i actually been able to fine much info on the bacterium/viral vectors they use in crispr sadly
  10. @AlexSmith Sadly, this video is a hoax, their website states that Oscar the modular body was just for inspirational Sci fi
  11. @SeekerofEvolution look at what he said right before the video "something like this sci-fi video?"
  12. @Benbeezy Whoops, my bad
  13. -needs to learn to read as well-
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