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Magnet tuner implant for singers, and the problems....


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  1. This all is really along the lines of things I've been thinking about making for a while ago, specifically signal processing from sound to other sorts of signal, color or magnetic vibration. I definitely think there's a lot of good ways you could have something like this set up in a way that would be not just acceptable for a punk/metal show(a scene I've been involved with for a couple decades) but totally awesome.

    I've been working on something that will convert a sound wave to a color, basically mapping 20hz to 20khz to the visible spectrum using a contact mic as an input and a neopixel as an output. The contact mic would be attached to your throat in some sort of choker or collar. The pixel could be in a number of places, possible there could be a bunch of them. The way it would work is you'd have specific tones programmed in for each song that you could use as sort of guide posts for that song, the number could vary. The neopixels would be rather dim most of the time but would increase in brightness dramatically when you correctly hit a note, and your magnet would vibrate rather strongly, preferably at the same frequency as the note you're hitting.

    This would make it showy and cyberpunx as well as useful. People wouldn't realize you were using it as a singing aid at all and would just see it as part of the show if it were integrated into a cool looking wearable.
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