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Spinning stuff with finger magnets

This might be a little silly but my partner and I were working on some block printing last night and we accidentally magnetized the cutting nibs that we were using. Then we figured out that we could spin them around. Here's a video.


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  1. Yes.

    :D Whismical
  2. Very cool!
  3. quite cool indeed, but the magically purple-glittering tool in the background steals the show.
  4. I had the same reaction, My immediate thing was "Ooo It's Spinning", then "OOH LOOK A SHINY THING".

    Both are cool none the less. ^^
  5. I'm not sure exactly how that happened. That's the handle for the cutting bits and it's got a bunch of diamond spiky things on it for better grip. It reflected the light weird for some reason and turned out like that. I was also enamored with it.
  6. Thats cool! The attraction seems strong
    What kind of magnets do you have? M36's?

  7. Yeah, M36s. The nibs are stainless steel and just happen to be the perfect weight as well.
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