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Dually Implanted today, Experience from Day 1

I researched having this done for about a year. Magnet types, coating, impantation methods, and I have to thank the people in this forum. So I just arrived back home from Orlando, procedure very smooth. Placement of the implants was a huge deal to me. I didn't want them to interfere with my grip... I didn't want it in a fingertip where it bulges... BUT, I wanted the maximum true elecomagnetic-sensatation ability. That's the whole point, right?! To ME - this is worth it to add the only verifiable extra-human-sensory-perception sense actually possible BY CHOICE.....people, that is literal & verifiable ESP, and that's why I did it. I intend to IMPROVE what God gave me by adding to the tech created FOR me. Sorry for the philisophical diatribe there - but, my own In terms of placement, I could NOT risk doing all this and Implanting in a mildy-receptive area. Call my a Cyborg-snob - but the palm, top, or sides of the hand would not cut it. I opted for TWO implants - one in each THUMB. Both placed on the outside surface of the second section of the thumbs. For a visual, think of someone praying like a child - mine would ALMOST touch in that position. And no, I will not be putting my hands in that position until I am completely healed - I know how two magnetic implants near each other will necrosis, and do not want that. I really love the position I picked - in a VERY strong bundle of nerves, doesn't block typing, doesn't interfere with any fingertip activities like guitar, and does not interfere in any way with my grip. I studied placement and xrays and experiences of people for a long time. I focused on those searching for the extra elecromagetic-sensory ability. I have not found someone who shares my precise placement, but I am very confident and hopeful about it. I will update here :) Felt very confident due to my implanter being mentored by someone very well known in these boards, and that confidence was well placed. The magnets implanted were about 1mmx3mm, Neodymium, impressively strong upon demonstration (I don't know the gauss) and like small rods, injection-molded parylene, non-heat-sterlizied to preserve magnetic strength. That shape allowed for a piercing-like insertion method, no cutting flaps like you might need with a disc. Now if someone is considering doing this, I am not going to sugar coat the pain involved. I passed out. Having a foriegn object shoved into an open wound on one of the most sensitive parts of your body is NO JOKE. Do not do this unless.... 1) you are 100% committed. 2) talked to some people who have it done, and 3) find a CERTIFIED BMA (Body Modification Artist) or a LICENSED Nurse who has 4) performed this precise implantation procedure personally - SEVERAL times. 5) and lastly, you should bring a friend with you... If you pass out, you will come "out of it" not knowing where you are. Not meant to scare you, but having a SUPER familiar face nearby makes a world of difference! Seriously, travel TO that kind of professional if they are not near you. It's worth the trip to have it done professionally. You are talking about losing some major functionality of your hand if something goes even a little wrong. This is a major life decision. I hope you can tell, I am not sharing this update or further updates to brag, or convince anyone they should have an extra-human sense added to their being by hacking the bio-technology naturally received - this was MY choice to push MY envelope of how I interact with the world around me. Make your own choice, you lowly human, you ;) I got so much inpiration and knoweldge from this group in making the decision to hack myself. Seriously. I hope my progress updates add something back to you. And yes, my stringent aftercare in the first few weeks will be a big focus.


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  1. Congrats :D

    I will be following suit hopefully sometime in the near future. I am opting for a similar pairing across hands as well ^^ (Except in my case, to the out-side of the ring fingers of either hand with m31's)

    Please feed out updates, keen to see how yours go. and good luck! Don't forget to keep up with the Post-op care, minimal as it is. It's your last chance for something to go wrong. ^^
  2. Thanks, Zerbula - after lots of piercing and tattoos, I am crazy with following post-op. That is excellent advice and will be a part of my update to come.
  3. Wow, it's a week later, and WHAT a week! I've had a few questions I can & cannot answer, let's get those out of the way now: GAUSS RATING of your implants: that's a very specific measurement of the stregth of magnetic 'pull.' Well, when an implant is THIS small, the relative gauss if highly dependent upon the distance of the implant from the skin surface. Go DEEP if you want sensantion, go SHALLOW if you want to maximize your ability to pick up objects. I can pick up a couple of paper-clips, if that helps. SHAPE? GREAT question. If you want to have the maximum ability to pick up objects, like magician purpose, go with a sphere. If you are being implanted to have the sensory ability, choose a long rod, or a thin plate - those shapes allow for lots of vibration. HEALING? My tech used a needle implantation and was hyper-sterile - so where it was inserted and how it is healing has been way easier than I thought. Although, this easy healing is due to the method of insertion, which also means opting for a ROD shaped implant, and a nurse/artist who can do it. SENSATION - at week one? No sensory expansion as of yet, aside from feeling a literal PULL on the magnet. Like, my ipad case with a sleep cover... Had to ditch that accesory... the magnet in those kind of cases are as strong/stronger that my implant... Scares me to be near anything with that strength, switched to leather ipad cover. PLACEMENT - well, now I have had a full week and tried every task one hand can possibly perform. I was right, my placement choice was PERFECT. No interference for typing. No interference for eating, shaking hands, or gripping. As genuis as my placement was, the ONLY activity I have had to learn to adjust has been using scissors. PRECAUTIONS - I have one in each thumb, so have to resist letting my hands rest where they will be stuck near eachother and tug through healing tissue. APPEARANCE: can't even tell it was done. Placement mattered - it was set into the hollow of each thumb's outside surface - "PRAYING MANTIS" position. Where that side of my thumb previoudly looked 'scooped out,' it's now level. SCAR TISSUE: having read a lot about this, I know it's important to have as little csar tissue as possible around the implant to have maximum field sensation. I started a routine to massge it, but I think that was more irritating, so just leaving it along for the next few weeks to allow healing. Now, that's where I am at a week in, but for the first few days, always covered, only cleaned with saline, and the build up of scar tissue didn't start to happen until about 3 days in. I would recommend the stretchy sports wrap tape cut into a thinner strip - after the first, band-aid day. Let it breathe but protect it from bumps.
  4. ^^ Please note going too deep into tissue into the hands creates bad situations where muscular tissue is distressed and potentially nerves are damaged, in addition to missing the sensitive nerve regions under the skin. Too deep causes nightmares of complications. On your I pad cover, if you had an N52 magnet implanted, these are the strongest magnets get. Io get higher force requires an electromagnet. I would say if what you have is an N52, it is either encountering a magnet just as strong or weaker. I would rough guess that it's a NdFeB, N42 maybe? it might be higher, but I don't know what cases do with things. There isn't any reason it couldn't be N52, other than costs. Don't get near Electromagnets or MRI's if that was bad. Practice aftercare like your implant depends on it. The scar tissue in your finger should completely regenerate into living, breathing tissue in the next 6 months. Avoid moving the magnets or agitating/massaging/moving the area at all. Let the body heal and do it's thing, support it's healing but do not do anything to it. ^^ Going to continue watching.
  5. I'm especially interested in this thread. I am looking to get some magnents as soon as possible(just like everyone else on this forum). Keep us updated on this! I would love to see some pictures, and hope that your healing goes well. Let us know when you start to get some sensitivity, and how strong it is. Where did you source the magnents?
  6. i am 11 days on from my 5 implants and sutures are out. fingers healed very well and top of wrist is healed well. it is very weird how much you sense in the pull side of things. i have sensed the tingling near strong magnetic fields. very surreal experience.
  7. Any updates for us?
  8. I really like the idea of placement. If I ever get more magnets, thumbs seem like a cool idea. :-D
  9. Is there a 'most sensitive' finger?
  10. It's about 2 weeks later! Let me address each comment and happy to share this experience with you :) Yes, mine were in fact N52, strongest possible. And yes, same kind they use in the iPad cover, and along the edge of the iPad itself. So for healing time, I just type with my hands a bit more 'upright' rather than laying down. As for depth, I understand not wanting to go too deep, especially if doing this yourself or having your idiot freind do it. If you are going to a pro who knows anatomy, go as deep as they will let you, and that may affect placement since the amount of fat/tissue you have in certain areas matter. Now, if you are doing this to specifically lift things and don't care about sensation, go shallow. Healing going awesome! The side I use more frequently in everyday is a little red still, but the otherside all is normal color, can't even tell it was done. Very likely fast healing is due to the piercing needle method where the mgents is delivered within a hollow needle. Strength wise, max I can pickup is 3 large size paperclips. I did this half-a-second just to measure, I am not playing around with picking stuff up, not why I got them. Sensation-wise, the nerves have not yet healed up- that will take another month or so - so right now all I can feel is if something physically PULLS on it like the ipad cover, or another strong magnet nearby, or when it's resting on a ferrous object like my frig. So yes, early on you can feel it being 'pulled' but doing any of these things is unwise when it's healing - all those activities pull your implant closer to the surface, traumatize healing tissue, and can potentially pull it right out of your body. So, that's not really magnetic sensation, that's the tissue around the implant getting tugged. To sense electric activity, motors, etc, the fine nerve endings have to repair.... Couple months. Source - provided by implanter - 1mmx3mm rod N52 parylene. He said he sourced them through his mentor, but they are these EXACT material, shape, size, coating everything. Not endorsing using or buying these, but same 'specs' as my implants: Placement - oh yeah SUPER happy with this placement. Wherever you THINK you want them, put a tiny pebble under a band-aid and wear it there for a day. There are VERY few places that do not interfere with grip, eating utensils, and typing... And at the same time you want a nerve-rich area or sensation won't amount to much. I hit the gold-mine on placent I really think, but have not come across anyone else with both thumb where I have them, on the second joint down, at the skinniest middle part of that section, and on the outside surfact furthers away from the pointer finger. Only activity I have to re-learn a little was scissors. To answer about sensistivty, ALL the fingers carry enough nerves to provide sensory experience. Hope that helps and will keep you updated!
  11. I feel like I should also add some regrets... Maybe little lessons if you are considering this hack. 1. In retrospect, I would have done one implant at a time. I guess two at a time would be OK if they were both in the same hand (placed FAR apart of course). But when you get them in matching locations on two hands, an activity you have trouble with is then hard on both sides. For example, you get one on each hand and it messes with your ability to use scissors, and you use sciccors a lot. Go one hand at a time and learn to use scissors in the other hand for a month or two. 2. In retrospect, I was so excited to have them that I told more people than I should have. Being hacked, in the general population, in extremely wierd and frightening. Keep it to yourself, and test the waters before spilling the beans. 3. I would have had a freind come with me to have the procedure done. I passed out - don't be a d*ck, it happens - and when you come out of being passed out you have no idea where the hell you are, so having a FAMILIAR face right there would have made a big difference in getting it together after waking up. DON'T be a tough guy/gal, bring a buddy. 4. Once they looked pretty much healed after 4-5 days, I let them breath 24/7. In retrospect, I would have used a thin strip of athletic tape with a little cotton underneath, just to keep them from being 'bumped' during active daytime hours. Super-loose and super breathable. Little bumps can make a BIG difference in healing, so even when they LOOK healed, wait until there is ZERO soreness/sensistivy before going bare 24/7. For the one I bumped more often, I used this little trick to safeguard it and healing caught up VERY quickly. 5. I would have adapted to bluetooth for my phone/tablet keyboards instead of magnetic attachments/closures ahead of time. Even on I had made of leather... I just didn't think ahead of time had a strong magnet in there to keep it closed. Even after my implants completely heal, I don't think I will go back to magnetically based tech-enclosures - the magnets in those are VERY strong. And for the one who asked and yes I tested... I cannot wake/sleep my devices with the implants. From what i can feel, that would take about twice as much pull as I can manage. Now don't get me wrong, SUPER AMAZINGLY HAPPY with my hack!! But I don't want to sugar coat my experience either. Read articles on this site! Do your homework. Magnet type, coating, placement, the results you expectingand ESPECIALLY AFTERCARE are worth a few MONTHS of research... so, I am glad you are reading this as part of yours :)
  12. What made you chose that spot? Was it simply the spot you used lease? I'm glad to see you are enjoying them. Also a question for you what caused you to pass out, was it pain? Sight of blood? Sight of being opened up? If it was pain, why no lido?
  13. @meanderpaul He had it done at a shop. Laws and such, methinks... Wait, is it okay to like, do a nerve block in the car, and then walk inside? Or are there laws against this? :o
  14. I am VERY serious in considering this implant in the next few weeks. I need to travel for spring ak so I want to try to get them done before the end of april. A few questions: Do you (or anybody) have experience with that source? Do they have reliable coatings? I know they come with the inheritant risks Parlyne... Do you have any recommendations for a home implant procedure? Have you done anything special in regards to aftercare? How long do toy think you should have waited between implant procedures? Thanks in advance! EDIT: it looks like that link leads to a disk magnent, you have rods correct?
  15. @zerbula I am pretty sure you are right but he also could have outright not wanted lido. What you do before you go into the shop is of no concern to law for the piercer (alcohol is different in this and also easier to tell if your drunk). I'm guessing the only law would be giving himself the lido in the first place or getting it depending on where this is.
  16. Numbing discussions... Numbing is and up to your implanter. My post did not say whether or not i had been numbed. There was a reason I was vague, ya big dummy. My Source was good, sterlizied in front of me. At home is dumb... Read around, you WILL REJECT with a scalpel. Sometimes, no big deal. Other times, YOU LOSE YOUR ENTIRE HAND. Even asking this question shows you are going to have problems. Abort, will robinson, Abort. Yes, mine are rods. I should have waited 4 weeks between implants. Aftercare instructions.. Abide by above, human ;)
  17. Passing out is not predictable. You cannot know ahead of time. Bring a friend. Passing out also has little to do with pain, more about the realization that your body is different. If you have been pierced/modified before without passing out, you will be ok :)
  18. @Chrisbot the wiki page is a wonderful resource. Please read everything there, it has outlined so much information. In regards to parylene, it is one of the better choices, but it's still known to fail after time. All shown experience determines It's only suggested to leave parylene coated magnets in for approximately a year. Documented failures are recognised. @crazyivan said he willingly removed them due to moving into MRI exposure, they had not started rejecting but the coating was pretty well damaged on both, wearing apart and in one of them, the magnets starting to break down. This was either one and a half or two and a half years old. I can't recall other names off my head, but there's a couple of their examples of these magnets falling apart. Parylene isn't bad, but it's longevity is definitely not permanent, on it's own. The judge is still out on TiN, cassox seems to have some of the oldest ones, still in fine shape. Moreso than anything, read the wiki, it is good overviews on many of the aspects of doing things at home, should you choose to. Explains how to do everything in the most successful method of application if you dig around enough. ^^
  19. The question was mostly for finding out if it was choice kinda like figuring out the reasoning behind it. I pretty sure I know the answer now. I Already know how, who, where mines getting done this is just all for your personal info on why you chose certain things. I suggest if you dont want questions you should probably not post. I do have to say home done ones don't equal rejection and loss of hand plenty people have done it and have done it with a scalpel with success. Also pain does equal passing out for some people. That aside I'm glad it went well.
  20. What seems to be most relevant is whether or not the proper procedure is followed. Professional shops have their hands tied with legal liabilities and in what they're familiar practices suggest. This may not intermesh with the intricacies involved in this specific operation. :s If a shop autoclaves a magnet, it has been thermally damaged. Expansion of materials can easily cause fractures or damage the coating. The Gauss strength has been damaged as well. >~< It's just as bad of a mistake as accidentally cutting too large of an incision, or hitting the finger against a table. I suppose you could say it doesn't matter who turns the screwdriver, a professional or an apprentice. What's important is that they don't strip the head or screw it in too deep, either one of them can make that mistake. I myself find that newbies actually do cleaner jobs and focus on getting it perfect far more than those who do it routinely, if they are competent. Sometimes attention to detail can do more then blindness to some things, because of assumptions from familiarity. :3
  21. I've been keeping up with the wiki since before I got my nfc implant, so I am aware of the procedures there. 
    Other than recommendation to keep it covered, I was just wondering if you had any other tips. (To my knowledge) No one else has ever done such an implant before so that's why I was curious. 

    As for the home implantation, traveling to a professional is not really an option for me at the current time. I did my nfc implant at home with no troubles, followed all of the proper after care procedures. The fact that you had your implants done with a syringe it was makes this so appealing. 

    I feel that a syringe makes the magnet less likely to reject and it more manageable for home implantation, especially in contrast to a slicing yourself up. 

    @Meanderpaul It's too bad about the parylene. A year just doesn't seem all that long to be impanted for..
  22. Injection does seem to be rather favorable method, much less intrusive. ^^ The only reason I myself am vying not to it's because of experimentation. ^^' it doesn't have as much testing or background to it. If I could drag up the same lot of information I could with injections as I could with scalpel, if be more prone to injecting. :o I'm simply not as knowledgeable about the nature of hypodermics myself, watching things all around. As it is, things can easily go wrong either way. you're trying to stick a rock somewhere. >~<
  23. Meanderpaul, I do not mean to ever give off that I do not like questions! I love them. I just have a very casual style of writing. I am not here to advocate implants, or to discourage them, I am just trying to share a real time line of the experience. I apologize if my writing style offended you... Seriously.
  24. Perhaps those without the procedure done should just learn From observation, and judge everyone else post-operatively. Learn from my experience, my regrets, my story. This is simply my story. Ignore anyone who tells you what you can or cannot do to your body. It's YOUR BODY. God gave it to you, it did not come with any warning labels.
  25. I'm not so offended as I am bothered by the spread of information that's not 100% right. Yes you could lose the hand but it's not likely. Have any one here that had magnets reject lost one? Not that I'm aware of Is this done successfully by "amertures"? Yes all the time this is mostly DIY. Is the most common way by scalpel and not syringes? Yes but syringe is gaining popularity. By putting what you did in regards to losing hands and scalpels might have some truth but you are very likely putting people off that haven't spent a lot of time lurking or reading up on it. That's the main reason I asked the questions I asked. I completely understand your style of righting because I write the same way. I do want you to tell your story and am genuinely glad it came out well. For my own info what state (if your in the USA) are you in? Mostly cause if I can get a better person to implant mine I will. I do care about experience doing it. @chrisbot wrong person. I didn't say anything about parylene lol.
  26. The likelihood of losing one's hand is directly, and proportionately, depependent upon their research into this procedure. Outside chance, yes, but the risks are REAL. And YES, LOTS of people have had magnets rejected from implantation! I am glad the reader, and others, are doing that research! I DO hope what I write scares ucommitted people away. It's not a fun piercing to show off or get stimulated from. This is a serious bio-hack. It gives you a sensory perception NOT naturally provided to our species. Scalpel exposes much more tissue, that's what makes it more dangerous. Same reason laproscopic surgery is preferred. A hole is better than a flap.
  27. I'm not so sure about that first part. >~<

    looking back at the records of the threads throwing out using Sugru, hot glue, etc as a bio coating for magnets float around, assuming some people did, I still have never seen anyone being at risk of even losing a finger. Don't forget these are material that have absolutely no place in these procedures at all. >~<

    Like mentioned by the people who tested it: It's so bad it can't even be quantitatively measured to determine how bad it is. It fails before it even reaches testable standards.

    Even using these substances, even the people who cut their fingers open with hobby knives, stuck a sugru lump into their skin, poured vodka over it, and then bandaged it up with a bandaid... I haven't heard of those at risk of losing hands... Rejecting? Definitely. Nasty infection or reaction? Certainly. Painful? Extremely. 

    But not in any critical condition that I'm aware of. I am really really keen to know where you see the risk of total failure necessitating amputation of even digits, yet alone the entire hand. This isn't information I have seen around, looking. 

    I am not advocating people trying to do the messiest job possible. Rejection rate is real enough as it is, even doing everything to the letter, you still look at a pretty measurable chance of it failing. A stupid mistake here or there causes failure, Most of the rejections that I have walked across have occurred because of aftercare not being followed to the letter and exposing it to mechanical trauma, or not keeping it sterile. v-v

    Do you have a pile of information somewhere I haven't seen? Super keen to read it if there's a pile I missed. :o I am not arguing at all if it's possible. It is very possible. But it's not any kind of risk from a failured attempt I would see happening if someone had ANY idea of what they were doing. I.E. were using a sharp knife/scalpel/hobby knife instead of say... A hand saw...

  28. well mine are all healed and wow i never knew a microwave did that and as per the tag removers from clothes i shops. what a feeling.. had my wife hold my one finger and she could feel the magnet going mad.
    i am going to get n52 coated in TiN for other fingers. i find them to be  a good show off trick at friends with their kids.  
    i am well happy and worth the little discomfort at the beginning
  29. ok just had my contact email saying he can do parylene c coating which is what they use to coat pacemakers and metal joints that remain in the body for many years. i wanted TiN but it is too fiddly to coat such small items and would need to be done twice as per racking items. 

    whats anyones ideas on wanting magnets as the more the cheaper
  30. Personally I'm waiting for either the TiN or see where the diamond coating goes. I want as much lasting time as possible with best coating possible. Bare in mind I'm not downing parylene I just have only heard of "short term" reliablilty with it.
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