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Dissolvable sutures

Looking at implanting my first magnet this weekend, just woundering if dissolvable sutures are fine as I haven't seen any info on this. Main concern is they won't stay in long enough? Should this be fine???


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  1. I would personally use skin glue. Liquiband is the best. I use it.
  2. Dissolvable sutures work just fine.
  3. Thanks for the replay, yeah i have no idea about this kind of stuff so excuse the silly question.

  4. don't use skin glue.  use sutures.  your body is trying to push the magnet out of you during the healing process, and stitches are way stronger at holding the incision closed.
  5. That's not necessarily right @ightden. It is more for "breathablity". Think about what you are trapping in the cut with glue. The body shouldn't be pushing it out if the magnet isn't rejecting.
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