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Career in biohacking

Okay so it is time for me to goto college and I am looking at making a full blown career in biohacking, I know that there are a few here who run sites centered around selling mods and hardware. Nothing against anyone but I look at these site and they all sell about the same thing for about the same price. Is there more that could be done with a college degree, while not pissing off medical boreds/courts? Also I believe @chrionex, @birdmachine and @alexsmith all my have shops do y'all have any sort of regulations you have to comply with? I have no clue what I am going todo for a career in biohacking I just know I want to do it. Here are the two best resources I have found thus far: Sincerely, John Doe


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  1. What are you going to school for?
  2. @Meanderpaul I am thinking I am going to do my basics in chemistry and biochem, after that I am thinking I am going to take a shot at getting into letourneau for several medical classes, like bioengineering biology anatomy. Once I get out I may go back for electrical and mechanical engineering. Yea if I turn 40 and am still in college then I am right on track. Sincerely, John Doe
  3. Nice, I would suggest using the fields your going to be studying to hone specifics like the biocoating and the designing. Honestly and no offense to cyberise and dangerousthings but if you have connections to suppliers there is no need to truly go hard core for education on it. On a goods sale you mostly are gathering items to sell at a reasonable price. (Buy from vendors cheap, sell to people marked up). That route requires a working knowledge of the item you are selling which is why they are able to do so much but aside from a business degree for running a store/business successfully I can't see requiring much. Again I really mean no offense guys. I too run a shop only its for reptiles. The fields of study you mentioned will definitely help you know what your talking about on implants and electronics, not saying you don't already. As for a job in an area that's growing all I could really say is it's growing the jobs aren't quite there yet and won't be till it gets more mainstream. Get the experience and knowledge for when it really takes off because it won't always be the backyard grinder, it will be the big tech company's doing R&D. I hope that helps.
  4. I am eagerly awaiting to here back from a company I applied at, if I get the job I am going to pull all but some of my savings to start building a shop and lab, as apposed to digging around the country side for illegally dumped items. (TV's mainly when I get lucky which is rare....) Sincerely, John Doe
  5. Have you considered checking in with the county dump? No guarantees they'll let you rummage for free, but you can bet there's all the loose components you need out there.
  6. Chrionex suggested something similar, ware I go is about the something.
  7. @JohnDoe, Why not a degree in biomedical engineering? The right school and right program make all the difference (albeit tuition varies with location). Assuming cost is no obstacle, a college with plentiful research capabilities is ideal second to having the right program. You'll have access to labs, equipment, etc.
  8. I definitely stand to be corrected on this one, but it seems to me that most of the actual work done in biohacking has to do with electronics, circuit design, some light software design, etc.. Unless you intend to try and invent new materials for coatings, that is. It seems to me that if you actually want to make your own implants, what you need more than anything is a background in electronics and software.
  9. @Rytcf There are some basics that I feel could be better covered. The only thing I would add to that is chemistry you know nootropics.:) @Dirksavage88 I assume that would be like doing repair work on machines like MRI's and what not.
  10. I would say it really depends on in what context you want to do 'biohacking'. If you're interested in making money from it you really don't need a degree, your time is likely best spent elsewhere (online courses for digital electronics, programming, basic biology, and of course just experimenting with things and having fun). If you're interested in actually making really futuristic-sounding shit come to pass you'll want to look into pursuing bachelor's at a research university, getting yourself into a lab, and eventually getting a PhD and going into research for yourself. Just depends on what your end-game is.
  11. @John
    You'd better keep it covered. You keep your noody pics to yourself! I don't want any part of your chemistry 0.0
  12. X_X  *blush

    As Bciuser said. ^^

    Get some background information on what's relevant, and get to engineering. :D
  13. I actually think we have a lot of engineers in the biohacking scene, what we need is more people with a medical background :) . Maybe it's because I'm an engineer myself, but I feel learning about engineering/hardware/software using freely available resources is much easier than with all the medical stuff. 

    I agree with bciuser – if you want to do really awesome, groundbreaking stuff, go into research and find a huge corporate sponsor :). 
  14. We need lawyers and medical professionals if this stuff is going to go anywhere. Using body mod artists is only going to take us so far, and at some point something is going to go wrong for someone and then it'll be plastered all over the news and people will start getting shut down. Having actually trained medical professionals will at least delay that for as long s possible.
  15. @bciuser @rin From what I have seen nobody truly knows enough about chemistry, biology, medical, and engineering. I see the same stuff being sold by different people at about the same price. A few might have a thing or two unique to them but for the most part most people don't seem to be trying to innovate. @cathasach I absolutely agree with you! It is not a matter of if it is a matter of when someone dies from doing this. There have been a couple of close calls to my knowledge alone.
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