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Flow state during sleep and sampling


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  1. Hum I am guessing that maybe a lack of a challenge could be playing a part into it. I may try and substitute ambient noise I am around at times, for example putting in ear plugs as apposed to listening to scremo in my math class. I have a pair of ear plugs that I can hear my heart beat if I get them in just right, I am wondering if I can't get into a altered state of mind through focusing on that. Please note that I did not say flow state I said altered state of mind. Even if it is not the one for the end game a semi-controlled controlled change in the mind is progress, and more importantly repeatable for about $5. Sincerely, John Doe
  2. I doubt it's a music choice by me that is effecting it. Just short of rap and classical I listen to it all. Oh and the edm stuff just makes me angry. Mostly rock 90s - 2007ish and country.
  3. Wait what? EDM piss's you off? Dude THAT could be huge. Dame I wish I could hook you up to a EEG. I say that because it show a stimulus can alter your state of mind, granted this has been suggested, but to my knowledge never proven. Sincerely, John Doe
  4. @johndoe Yes, it will get you into an altered state. That's basically equivalent to meditating and focusing on breath. Your body will probably start feeling light and your mind will probably start racing making it harder to focus on your heartbeat.

    @meanderpaul Rock is a very active genre of music, there's a lot of different sounds reaching your body at the same time. I suggest trying to listen to classical music or another genre while working or something and see if you can notice any difference. Im not a huge fan of edm myself so i understand that much.
    Basically just try to find music thats not distracting (like rock), but not so dull its almost like it isnt there. I like this band called Earth, if you'd like to try triggering flow state by listening to them i suggesting listening to the album called Angels of Darkness Demons of Light. It is a bit slow though, its in a genre called drone metal.

    Now that i think about it music volume could play a role in triggering flow state too.
  5. I would turn it the point of ware you would strain to hear it, but not to much I feel that is more a trial and error thing.
  6. Im not sure if you would want to strain to hear it. I feel like you should be able to hear it but it shouldnt overwhelm everything.

    You're right though, it is definitely a trial and error thing we'll have to work out.

  7. I am going to experiment with both of these tomorrow. I will report back, what about you?
  8. My point was I'm not overly picky over music choice and I'm not one of the people who blast it in a car. The only stuff with any sort of relaxing nature that I can tolerate listening to is country. Which I usually play regularly.
  9. I am betting that it has to do with tone because I already know that some tones aggravate or irritate people. I don't really listen to rock but chillstep calms me down and most if the tones are low or percussion.
  10. Yes your right the tones are what we are reacting to. To some degree writing music is like sculpting something you can't see smell or touch. If you look at how glam metal of the 80's was written compared to how we are writing now you see that the lower frequencies are stressed more than they were 30 years ago. Guitar players are not going as high as the used to and singers are the same way, I can't tell you how many singers go through hell to sing those and hardly ever use them. Truly I don't know what else to say until I have EEG reports to post.
  11. I've done some experiments over the years with binaural beats and the effects of various tones and harmonies on mood and the actual physical state of an individual. Frequency(tone), without a doubt, has a profound effect on someone's psychology. Rhythm(percussion) is a separate entity, but it is by no means less important in creating non-standard states of consciousness.
    Would you all say that the music and environments(where sound is present) that usually trigger flow for you have a lot of higher frequency tones, that aren't shrill or dissonant(link)?
  12. I personally have no connection to the music.
  13. Hum I know what I need to do now I just can't do it till all my parts are in. I will play music that triggers flow state and once I have a base line established I can begin to train it.
  14. I've got some really nice headphones I could use for tone experimenting noise cancelling bass boost etc...
  15. Yes but the catch is that we need to prove we are in a flow state, which requires a EEG.... Which dame Amazon has not sent me all the same parts to yet, those dumb ass's.
  16. @JohnDoe Hey do you think that you could send me a parts list? I totally want to make one of these or buy one if that's suggested. Never made or bought one before. Thanks, Luko
  17. Have you ever soldered before? This project is not a good one to start with. If you have not then here is what I would recommend: Then pick one of these and make some electrodes:
  18. I saw this is this reasonable i honestly have no clue.

  19. I what are you trying to do? If you are like me and you are trying to build a BCI than I doubt you will get the smart performance that you could from something you built or bought from any where else. But of you are just trying to prove that you goto flow state that would probably do just fine. Sincerely, John Doe
  20. Thanks i'm just trying to prove that i am in a flow state.
  21. Okay that head set will work but I am not sure it will be any cheaper.
  22. @Meanderpaul having no connection to the music might be something that is preventing you from entering it. Who knows. If you're just thinking of it as sounds you enjoy hearing and nothing more, you're probably not connecting with the music enough for it to trigger (this is just an idea tbh. I usually attempt to connect with music when listening and let myself get absorbed in it).

    @TheGreyKnight It varies between high and low for me, depends on the type of music it is and such. As for the environment im not sure how to tell.

    Music might be a complicated trigger to study due to the different ways people listen to it, and because of different music preferences. It's simply too subjective.
  23. The range of what effects you is undoubtably varied by personality. To we should aim for a rule of thumb for that.
  24. @thewinterwower and jet I have already said that I feel like I have. I would suggest not being so broad as to say the only way to enter this state is through listening to music. Something is triggered in the brain brought on by doing something yours happens to be music mine is quietness and focus. If you can figure out what that is in your brain maybe you can manipulate it.
  25. I would talk to you doctor before you try this, but music is just a series of alternating tones in theory. I will not recommend them to due to the fact that I do not know enough about you medical history. Adding onto that I would recommend you talk to a doctor before trying this. Also have a spotter for the first few times you do do it. Disclaimer aside now, here you go:
  26. Do you have those @johndoe
  27. I have thought about it but strobe lights make me dizzy sometimes, the only reason I would disregard that is I tend to spin around when I am in strobe lights trying to keep up with who ever I was with. Still I do not use them my self.
  28. @JohnDoe if you get one of these headset kit things, i would love to see the results from an EEG with them on.
  29. I will be sure to post if I do, I may but I don't know as of yet. Unless someone can second that spinning around in a strobe light makes just anyone dizzyer than just spinning would I most likely won't till I have done more research.
  30. You could always get a test subject ;)
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