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How about the market of magnetic beads?

Hi , I am working with lifescience and my company want to develop a new products---octyl c8 magnetic beads
. I have known the biotech market is of much potential. But I am not very familiar with the new product. How about the market?


Displaying all 6 comments
  1. what ican under stand you

  2. I;m sorry, I can't understand your question. Can you please clarify? >~<
  3. maybe we should make basic english proficiency a requirement to become a member on biohack?
  4. I don't think that should be the case @dragon5. I would much rather see a google translate or something along those lines built in to translate the pages to a different language. Limiting people who join because the can't speak/type is a bad thing.
  5. I'll try and clean the question up. " hi I work with life science and my company is developing a new product called I know the biotech market has great potential. Do you believe there is a market for this?" Use his link I'm not very good at posting/copying links.
  6. I'm a little confused. Octyl-C8 is silica. Could you please explain a bit more @Venus666
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