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Just got my first magnet and I've got some questions

I was already kind of a cyborg, with both glasses and a nice solid titanium implant holding together my left femur after a nasty kickball incident a couple of summers ago. Last Friday I went down and got a nice little neodymium stuck in my ring finger with my now comrade spouse boyfriend. I'm kind of hooked and have read as much as I can in the last few days. I'm hoping to put together a bottlenose kit, or something equivalent, with a sweet glove/gauntlet to hold the exodermal(hyperdermal?) tech. I'd like a couple more magnets in my off hand and at least one in my dominant hand.

So, the questions.

Can you levitate stuff if you have the right array of magnets?

Can I run an induction loop under my skin?

Where other than the hands are good for magnets? I was thinking something on the back so I can have a more intuitive set up, but it seems like all the sensitive areas there would be dangerous for an implant. Maybe something on a bone?

I'm also thinking of getting an RF shielded glove to wear during the healing process since I live in NYC and there's a lot of electrical wires everywhere, plus I'm on the laptop a lot because of work. Is that overkill or would a month or so of RF protection help the process? Something like this:

Guess that's all for now. Glad to be a part of the community and I'm excited about the future.


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  1. Also, given that she's already chipped, what's the thought on enhancing pets? Could a dog(30#) deal with a magnet and a motion sensor through something like bottlenose? How would you train them? More importantly, is that even ethical? Pretty sure that you can legally use some amount of injected anesthetic with an animal that you can't with a human.This is all long term though, not anything I'm actually doing. I really don't want to do anything to hurt my dog but if I can use anesthetic then it might be okay?

  2. Might want to get consent from your dog first... oh wait...
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