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Can anybody help me with info on the circadia?
I'm extremely intrigued in the Grindhouse Wetware Circadia as my first implant. The biomedical info aspect is pretty cool. But I'm far more interested with using it as a notification implant for my phone. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get my hands on one. I travel the country for work and could find a fellow Grinder to insert it for me at some point in time
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That is a implant far from something that you would want. Tim had it taken out after a bit because the battery was expanding and almost exploded inside of him (would have killed him) They are working on a new one but it is on the back burner and wont be done for a long time. If you are looking for phone notifications you should look into making your own, or I am making one with 18 notifications leds in it. But I have no idea when that will be done.If you are willing to get huge implants then I'd say contact grindhouse I'm sure they have things that are deemed to large to implant.Start slow, get a finger magnet or something like that and move up to the insane.
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