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Mental Block on muscle strength

iv'e heard that we all only use a small amount of the power our muscles can actually use (around 35%?) and that i believe adrenaline allows us to overcome that mental block somewhat so that in a "fight or flight situation" we can have more power to actually run or fight but i have a few questions concerning all this. is there a chemical that we know of that can "disable our mental inhibitions"? ( i know we have them in place for a reason, that reason being so that we don't accidentally use all of our strength at once and tear our own arm out of its socket ) but is there a way for us to use all our strength at once? and if there were A, how strong could the average male become and B, how much danger would this pose if used? and C, would we be able to eventually force the body to adapt to its own strength so that it can use all of its strength at once with no danger? i'm only asking out of curiosity as im around 100% sure i don't want to rip myself apart.


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  1. Yes there is chemicals that have that kind of effect. I don't suggest taking them. Pcp (yes the drug) has a superman like effect on some people where they don't even have reactions to being shot and also have "abnormal" strength. Alcohol is one I would consider also because you could have a reaction as if you can do anything and tend to go further then you could sober. I personally cannot do a pull up never really have been able to but I was drinking and started doing them ( friends of course recording how drunk I was). My buddy that I worked out with does strongman training (no steroids) and can bench 500+ pounds, press 1000, and deadlifed a mustang. Me on the other hand can only do +-205, 500 +- , and I wish. The human limit is only as far as you are willing to push yourself. Go to that point of no more and then do the extra 5-10 pounds. You almost always do less then you can truly do for fear of failure.
  2. Ahh i see, thank's for the quick reply man. thank's for the info.
    on the topic of your friend, how the hell did he exactly lift a mustang like jeez.. do you know how much that mustang weighed ? 
    oh and apparently pcp is horse tranquilizer ?, how exactly does that play into strength? (as in how does it work)

  3. No problem on the quick reply I'm almost always lurking around multiple times throughout the day. My buddy had a special designed piece of equipment that's placed under the car and rests under the frame it then has a section that he can go to and lift. I don't know but I'm sure you could look it up I believe it was a 67 mustang. I've never heard of it being a horse tranquilizer. Are you thinking of ketamine? It doesn't exactly play into strength as you would think. it's Described as a dissociative drug with hallucinations. I urge you DONT TAKE IT. Here's the wiki
  4. ahh i believe i was mistaken on the horse tranquilizer part, rather that has been used as its street name before, all though 
    apparently that mustang is a first generation? the cars in that generation typically weighed around 1100 kgs and the strongest recorded human's deadlifting strength was around 457 kgs. so either your friend is the hulk, the car is modified in someway or form and is lighter then the first generation (and im wrong about the cars weight) or your friend didn't lift that car
  5. He did lift it. I have no idea about the weight he lifted or the cars but staying on point most of the drugs you can take are mostly ones that inhibit that part of you that says stop or this hurts. That's also not necessarily a good thing to have blocked either as it keeps you from getting hurt. There is also instances where individuals cannot feel pain which is a medical condition which may be more what you are looking for but again those people need to be careful because you could be seriously injured and not know it.
  6. godammit the photo link is broken lol

    thats actually a very good explanation behind how those drugs would grant extra strength albiet that does make those drugs even more dangerous then they already are (with all the hallucinations and the rest)

    i actually have heard of those people who can't feel pain but they typically don't live very long. 
    in fact i believe there was a young girl with that condition who ended up trying to grab something out of a boiling pot and ended up searing her entire hand and arm- nasty stuff
  8. That's my last attempt photos on mobile uploading sucks lol
  9. ah nice it worked! and daaaaaamn your freind looks strained hahaha

    anyway's going back to the topic of strength, if a man had access to every major drug and bio technology (eg, steroids like testosterone and stuff like myostatin inhibition) how strong do you think said man could potentially become?

    ^ kind of going of topic from the original thread but still lol 
  10. I'd say sky's the limit if you don't kill yourself or destroy every joint and muscle during the training process. The inhibitor should help you build the muscle but you still have to work that muscle to build it and steroids are no different. The only thing those two will do is make it a little faster so you still need to put in some time at a gym. The health effects of steroids I feel are not worth cutting time in the gym where as that inhibitor looks interesting which I honestly hadn't heard of before so I quickly looked it over.
  11. The upper limit of strength is limited by your bones, ligaments and needed range of motion.

    You ever notice how as your bicep grows, you can't touch your shoulder as easily? With enough muscle you will significantly reduce your range of motion on your joints.

    Also, anything you lift must exert the force on the ground through your legs, so anything you lift must be exerting roughly half the force through each leg, I don't know how much would be required to start causing fractures, but it's probably not that extreme. There are also fractures call traction fractures, where the muscle actually tears away a portion of bone while contracting.
  12. You may wan to look into a exoskeleton. That seems at least to be a safer (read not PCP) performance enhanced means of lifting.

    John Doe
  13. Has anyone tried Electro Muscle Stimulation? It seems like it would work pretty well to maximize strength and fight muscle atrophy.
  14. @Cassox has a world of information to tell you about that. The short version is that the current systems are bunk for muscle growth. He can expand.
  15. Electrical stimulation also recruits fibers in the opposite order from recruitment under neurological control (although there's some debate about this). I'm not sure it matters for power output, but it does for fatigue.

    I suspect one set of the Mustang's wheels stay on the ground, so he doesn't have to lift the whole weight. Still pretty awesome, though. My PR for deadlift is a bit over 300lbs, so I'm not going into the towing business anytime soon.

    PCP and K are both disassociative anesthetics. People on them might feel pain, but it would be pretty dulled, and the subjective experience would be of the pain being some far-off abstract thing, almost like it's happening to someone else. 

  16. You are correct @ringdown about the one set of wheels. Not having done those drugs I can't say how you react only what I have read/heard. My pr was 315lbs. But I haven't done it in a while (wasn't to comfortable). I stick to my leg presses now.
  17. I was thinking something like this with the electro-muscular stimulation slaved to it. Not to grow muscle but to force them to pull. 

    I do know that the profession level machines definitely work as my physical therapist used one on my leg and it helped grow my smaller leg muscles in coordination with a workout.
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