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Hydraulic/ Pneumatic Prosthesis


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  1. A prosthetic leg with an air bladder device Can be found here: Here is the revolimb, which is an adjustable socket via inserts and cabling: The IPOP, "Immediate Post Operative Prosthesis You might notice All of these are made of a laminated socket which is taken from a modified cast of the patient. There actually are bone-anchored prostheses - it's called osseointegration.
  2. Bone anchored dental implants. How the heck did I manage to not remember those *facedesks*.

    So fancy adjustable ziptie+pad based approaches and pneumatic ones are already field proven then. The pricetag of 4000+ and the custom sockets seems to be worth optimizing. 

    If someone has ideas for that, I may be able to help with the construction.
    I'm lacking a big machine park but I can offer to create small parts on my CNC mill. It's only suited for non-ferrous metals. So softer aluminum types, wood and carbon would be materials I can tool.

    @ziztur have you thought about tapping into the remaining nerves? Bit off topic but getting hands on the signals running there would be great for motorized prosthesis... and other cool devices/projects.
  3. @ziztur

    How exactly does an Osseointegrated Prosthesis work?
  4. Basically, they jam a metal pole in your femur/tibia, and then stick a leg on the end of it. It also has a breakaway rotator so that if too much rotational pressure is applied So it doesn't break your bones (kind of like a torque adjuster on a drill) Written words don't do it justice though, you should totally YouTube it!
  5. Osteointegration is pretty cool stuff. A lot of the coatings I've been looking at are used for it. If you plasma coat a titanium implant with hydroxyapatite and then implant into a bone, the bone will grow onto the apatite and fuse essentially making it one continuous piece. 
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