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MTV True Life and Nootropics City Wants You on TV

I guess the biohacking episode got good ratings or tested well. I just got an email from Nootropics City looking for people to be in an MTV True Life episode.

Email from Nootropics City:
Hi Everyone,MTV True Life wants to follow someone experimenting with nootropics and/or cognitive enhancement methods to elevate their brain. Are you about to test an experiment or do you have a deadline approaching and you want to be at your best?

If you are interested, reply to this email or send your response to[email protected]

- Age
- Occupation/field of study
- How nootropics and biohacking has changed your life.

They want to get moving fast on this.

Best of luck,

Nootropics City
Go Beyond Yourself"


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. This is only for people who are young, right?

  2. With the biohack one they did, so probably.
  3. @Glims yeah the age rage was 20-29, I believe.

    So I've been in contact with the casting director for this over the past month or so, and the process appears to be moving forward. For those of who would like to use this is a pulpit to spread some gritty, sciency details about nootropics, understand that they're approach is more docu-drama, human-oriented story telling. They're certainly interested in the chemicals themselves, but they want to tell the story of how an individual came to use nootropics, what obstacles they've faced and what they want to overcome in the process of using noots.

  4. We just finished up the "true life: im becoming a cyborg" episode just a few weeks ago, and they are way cool to work with and really nice. If anyone is on the fence about it I would say go for it! No harm in at least trying
  5. Seems like a good way to get unwanted attention for currently unscheduled chemicals. That's never cool.
  6. These things will get attention one way or another. I mean, the chemicals are synthesized by labs for a reason before we start buying them.
    It's best to be open about things, in the hopes that the quality and effects of the chemicals are better understood.

    Having things be sketchy and on the dl only ends up getting someone taking something they shouldn't and getting hurt.
  7. It is also a good thing to show it being used "responsibly" rather then as fun. That way it's not a bad attention. My example would be Cheech and chong vs the businessman with medical needs. It's all in the portrayal of the item that sets the acceptance of it.
  8. I suppose, but with waves of RC bans the past few years I'm always worried noots are next.
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