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Biohacking Party

Friday,  December 11th at 7:00 PM
Hallows Eve Tattoo
13 East Main Street Rear
Palmyra, PA 17078

If you're curious about security, electronics and hacking, sensory augmentation, mental enhancement and generally upgrading the human body, this is the place for you.

The revolutionary biohacking company, Dangerous Things, is hosting the first ever gathering for all things biohacking. There will be complimentary food and give-aways, half off RFID/NFC implants and installation, and discussion opportunites to learn about biohacking or bonding with like-minded cyborgs. I will be personally implanting attendees.

See you there!

See you there!


Displaying all 4 comments
  1. Take picks for those for us not in the area.

    However, not the first ever... There was Grindfest 0 and 1. And the hangouts in SanFran. And I thing some of the Londoners got a thing going together at one point I think. And the Aussies. And of course Grindhouse is just a perpetual grinder hangout thing....

    (sorry to be that guy. but i'm that guy. we knew that)
  2. Hi, This is such a shame, I am from London. Will I still be able to get these offers if I pay for shipping to London?
  3. Aw, I'm mad I missed this! When is the next one? 
  4. I can only give a deal like this in shop, but I do have a few on hand. I'm willing to give good price breaks on them, or trade them outright for a good barter.
    The event was great, with Amal video chatting with Drew, Anita, my next apprentice, and a large group of people. We brainstormed new biohacking ideas and went over some things for people newer the scene, such as myself. I think we'll be doing this again in a month or so. Anyway, if you're interested in buying an xnt, having it installed, or bartering for them, email me! I'm pretty reasonable. [email protected]
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