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Still swollen

Hey guys!

So it's been two months since my M31 implant, and one and a half months since my finger is swollen...

The swelling is about pea-sized, pretty hard, but gives in to pressure. Pressure around 20-25N causes some pain, hue is a bit purple-ish, but not  overly different than my actual finger color.

There were two irritation sources around the two-week mark: once when I discovered that my work laptop uses magnets in the cover and base (painful!), and once when my finger got caught on a box while rummaging around my bag. Swelling began after that, and since, I ice my finger regularly.

I've lanced it twice, only blood came out. However in the past 4 weeks, every second week a small white spot appeared at the tip of the swelling, which I've punctured with a sterilized needle. Some pus came out (VERY little!), that was thin, pure white without any yellowish or pinkish hue. The poking was pain-free, but if the needle went deeper, it was painful and slight bleeding occurred.

To be honest, it does not feel like inflammation. I had inflamed subcutaneous pockets which have swollen a LOT bigger, faster, and were a totally different sensation - more like a bulging water balloon than this current swelling. My best guess would be that the irritation caused the inside of the pocket to open up and fill with blood - which in turn pushed the pocket open, letting it fill up and up, and creating scar tissue - my main reason to think so is because I pretty much lost all magnetic sensation in that finger.

Has anyone encountered similar?


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  1. Well, there's a high likelihood that it's rejecting. That aside, there have been numerous cases of people whacking their fingers on various things, and had similar symptoms, that eventually culminated in rejection.
  2. I had rejections before, due to my immune system always being on a high level, it happens quite fast. Even my worst placed and truly rejecting piercing was done in less than two weeks!

    That makes me thing this is not rejection. The magnet did not change position, did not get closer to the surface. Using the magnet is not painful, and I did try to lance the swelling, which resulted in minimal bleeding (from under the magnet) - so there's no pus build up, just raw scar tissue. It seems to be shrinking, really slowly, but I hope it gets back to normal soon :)
  3. I have had many piercings myself and rejection can happen in many ways one rejected with lots of horrid green gunk (nasty) and one just made the skin in the area go hard. lucky for me of the piercing I have had they are the only two that rejected (highly used areas with lots of movement and catching, high risk of rejection) This maybe different I am looking to get the magnets when Dangerous things gets them back in stock. Personally I will be wearing leather gloves when using my hand to avoid catching it.
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