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Anti migration coatings

We all know about the conspiracy nutters who think RFID tags are going to be force installed etc, but one thing that does seem legit in their criticism is the risk of cancer when using anti migration coatings.

Is anyone aware of hard data on this subject?


Displaying all 9 comments
  1. wanna put some papers behind that declarative statement?

    I mean, you are asking for hard data, but you are also saying it is legit. Do you need hard data or do you have hard data that makes it legit? I'm confused...
  2. Just clarifying your asking about the coating? I think google a as a way of Googleing research papers what's the name of the coating?
  3. Claim => Seems to be legit
    Supporting Evidence => Should be found by person making claim
    Subject Interesting Otherwise => No
  4. Well i've heard only anecdotal evidence on this claim, hence asking if anyone knows of hard data to either confirm or deny the claim.
  5. It's not merely anecdotal. There are a few research journals about this. Rats and mice, particularly some of the types used in labs are particularly prone to forming tumours. One journal found as many as 10 percent formed malignant tumours. I'll double check but I don't think it ever reached statistical significance in any other animals such as cats and dogs. There are fda approved rfids using the same tech as DT. The fda approval process includes carcinogenicity testing. Extensive testing actually.
  6. It's basically someone who has some data but little critical thinking ability.
  7. I assume you are talking about this? But as far as I know, that is only RFID implants in general and has no relation to anti migration coatings.
  8. No. I'll find it tonight. It was in a veterinary journal I believe. The authors didn't have an agenda like that person does. I think it was more pointed towards discussing how rfids may effect test subjects so they may not be great to use for some research.
  9. Apologies for necroposting, but awhile back I reached out to Allflex, who owns Destron Fearing, in regards to their "anti-migration coating" and just wanted to share what they told me.

    First, the coating is a polypropylene sheath, which in theory is a biocompatible material.  It spans half of the bioglass capsule and has a barb at one end of the sheath, which seems to be where tumor formation begins.  The first article posted has great SEM images of the sheath as well as images of tumors showing how density is concentrated around the polypropylene sheath.

    Bear in mind the mice used in the first study were involved in a carcinogenicity study when the trend in sarcoma formation was discovered, and though cancer rates were about equal for the controls as well, the transgenic mice used in this study are predisposed to sarcoma development especially in the case of an implant.

    Fry R, Green R. Biological and migrational characteristics of microchips. Vet Rec 1999; 145: 564.

    E. Murasugi, H. Koie, M. Okano, T. Watanabe, R. Asano. Histological reactions to microchip implants in dogs. Vet Rec 2003; 153: 11.

    M. Linder, S. Huther, M. Reinacher. In vivo reactions in mice and in vitro reactions in feline cells to implantable microchip transponders with different surface materials. Vet Rec 2009; 165: 2.

    This isn't to say that the coating is carcinogenic- like @Cassox said, there is little evidence of tumor formation in larger animals such as cats and dogs.  If anyone is interested I can email the full PDFs for the articles that aren't linked, I can't find them for free online anywhere.  Also the patent number is 5,074,318.  Finally, if anyone has any videos of the removal process of any chip with an anti-migration coating I would love to see that!
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