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Intel Curie button sized SoC + Northstar's casing and coatings ?

Hi All,

what do you think of Intel Curie? (I couldnt find it here yet)
Could that be the first SoC, that is worth to implant?
IMO these features are promising for various, real life, applications. (BLE connectivity, gyroscopes, low power consumption, x86 architecture i.e.: compatibility )
Intel said its coming end of 2015 (an Arduino board is out already, if you want to play around with the sdk)
****EDIT: They will start to sell Curie on Arduino (Arduino 101/ Genuino 101) in January 2016.

The Intel Curie Module includes:
  • Low-power 32bit Intel® Quark™ microcontroller
  • 384kB flash memory, 80kB SRAM
  • Low-power, integrated DSP sensor hub and pattern matching technology
  • Bluetooth Low Energy 6-axis combo sensor with accelerometer and gyroscope
  • Battery charging circuitry (PMIC)
Just for the sake of argument:
Intel curie + Northstar's casing and coating?


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  1. With that small amount of flash, x86 compatibility isn't a big deal really as any x86 binary code out there will need an underlying OS.

    Other than that, it's a nice little chip and I can easily see some uses for it.
  2. Best thing that comes to my mind would be KolibriOS, or some hefty abuse of flash storage as swab partitions. Any specs on how "low power" that thing is in absolute numbers?
  3. Original post edited. There is no Arduino board with Curie out yet. They will start to sell it, Jan. 2016.

    @garethnelsonuk : not too much info out there, but the chip (Quark SE) will run "an unnamed open source RTOS".
    By compatibility, I meant support for the ecosystem from Intel too. Company will provide this software kit.

    @ThomasEgi : just the usual marketing BS, but still promising: "extremely power efficient and ideal for always on applications."
    See Curie's factsheet: link

    Are we going to see a densely integrated module on the market, like in the announcement? or only OEM/ODM products? 
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