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isoxazole 9

Found this when poking around today. LINK

It's a synthetic molecule that seems to induce neurogenisis in the hypocampus and increase memory.  I'd have to read the paper really carefully to see if it's bunk or not but it looks interesting.


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  1. Interesting. it bears a little structural similarity to nsi-189, a chemical that is supposed to have similar properties of neurogenisis in the hypocampal region. SovereignBleak and I have been taking it for a few weeks.

    They even use the same testing metrics for functionality. I'm interested to hear more...
  2. @glims Have you noticed anything significant yet? What dose are you running? Are you taking anything else with it? I just received some in the mail a couple days ago.
  3. @SovereignBleak and I split a batch with another guy. Last I talked with him he was noticing a lot things. He's writing it all down. Mostly dry mouth and increased emotional responses (he was very chatty, laughed a lot, etc). I personally am trying not to make any judgments about how i feel, whatever. I am keeping a journal. Definitely get that 'i'm on noots' feeling.

    taking 30mg a day.

    Interested to hear how it goes with you.
  4. @glims Nsi-189 seems cool, I'd be interested to see what effects it would have on synesthesia.
  5. What have you found if anything yet @glims and @chironex?
  6. @glims I'm on the last day of my trial. I took 20mg BID for 25 days to get through my gram. The first half gram I took orally, and the second sublingually at the same dose. Abstained from caffeine and alcohol. I was also taking DHA, Uridine, CDP-Choline, Noopept, Coluracetam, Methylene Blue, Curcumin, ALA, ALCAR, CoQ10, occasional doses of Tianeptine, and made sure my micronutrient intake was on point. I haven't noticed anything significant I could pin on the NSI-189, positive or negative. I expected at the very least to get some brain fog at first, but not even that. I got it from Blue Brain Boost before they reorganized and it is most likely the from same batch that @galticus took, and he reported some of the common initial effects, so it most likely was legit. If I get around to trialing it again, I will probably increase the dose.
  7. 20mg is fairly low. That along with the other pile of things that you are taking, it's no surprise that there was anything much noticeable. O maybe just nothing happened. 

    Try 40mg. That's the standard baseline
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