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Biohacking Statistics

i a in the midst of a english paper and my topic is boihacking. some of the only info i havent collected is statistics, you know success rates, failure rates, etc...
if someone could provide me with these i would be greatful


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  1. There is a thread somewhere on here (recently) about this very thing. Someone (@bciuser?) made a gdoc.

    Of course, this is just the people on this board, and just about magnets. I would buff up your data by contacting @Amal from DangerousThings and  get a general idea of how many magnets and rfids that he has sold. Also there are other suppliers.

    Then you should look into other projects that people have done and.... the more that I write, the more that I think maybe the question needs to be defined better/ What are you looking for again?
  2. info on success rates, rejection rates, and other stuff like that
  3. I think it would also help to speak with a piercer who's done a some work. I spoke with Brian Decker regarding magnets and he seems to have done a lot of magnet work.
  4. Theres an excel sheet on the site somewhere that details a list of magnet successes or rejections, just gotta search around
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