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empty glass capsules


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  1. @ightden said:
    is there anywhere to purchase empty rfid capsules online?  or somewhere to purchase schott 8625 tubing to make capsules out of?

    like these


    Are you still in need of glass tubes?

  2. Lol it's been 7 years. For anyone else interested though Mrln and I worked out something with Schott

  3. > @Satur9 said:
    > Lol it's been 7 years. For anyone else interested though Mrln and I worked out something with Schott

    Its never too late to revive a project :D

  4. Tell me about your experiences with glass. I've used a blowtorch and spun closed one end. I never sealed the other end that way in fear of superheating contents. Ive seen plenty of the Schott IR absorbing glass. Its the semitranslucent gray color stuff right? Are you laser sealing it?

  5. I had some success potting the other end, but once you get that far you might as well just coat it instead of incorporating glass.

  6. I'm in the process of creating a machine that seals them with an IR laser.

    The current state is that I'm waiting for the glass to arrive so I can perform further tests.

    I only had a hand full of tubes so far and I've used them up already.

    The whole project is quite experimental, and most people that I asked about it outside of the biohacking community told me that it wouldn't work. Some called themselves "laser experts" and told me the glass wouldn't even melt and shatter or I would only engrave it. I went on anyway with the project and gave a fuck about those so-called experts.

    It's all janky diy right now and I went in debt, so I can afford everything, but I hope it pays off some day... I'm confident.

    Here are some microscope images I shot today for troubleshooting the imperfect seals. Some tubes failed in the vacuum chamber, and now I know the reason.

  7. That's awesome. One of the engineers i work with has a few nice lasers and we intend to try it out as well. Sorry you had lane responses from people but laser sealing cylinders is pretty standard.


    Sealing proces works quite well now.
    (embed player is glitchy - maybe watch on youtube)

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