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Making the fastest Human,


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  1. something such as what the mantis shrimp has would be completely impossible without somehow growing a new pair of legs in a lab that somehow merged both mantis shrimp and man and somehow attaching them to a human without rejection and attatching there nerves somehow to it as well... sounds cool but again not exactly possible at all lol..., so besides amputating someones legs and training what other options are out there? adderall speeds up perception somewhat but is there anything for the actual physical body? something along the lines of increased metabolism/mitochondria for more energy to the cells? denser muscle fibers? 
  2. Well, despite the fact that it's neither been confirmed or denied, if you could find a way of eliminating the "lactate threshold" (I believe that's what my personal trainer called it), you might be able to do something about fatigue. Plyometric exercise is the most time-efficient method for building speed-strength. But you're really limited by the way your muscle get fatigued.
  3. in mice models adding more of the pepck-c enzyme to the muscles increases endurance/strength and appetite along with forcing the body to burn fat instead of glucose for energy... would this work in humans? maybe a small pill containing the enzyme that somehow only targets muscle fibers? 
  4. I would think it's the "somehow" that's the tricky part there.

    Are there any receptor sites in muscle cells that could be bound to by an engineered molecule? If so then it just might be possible
  5. i don't know for certain but almost completely sure there are, i should do some more research on this, however it has been shown that the cytosolic form of it in humans is important to gluciogenesis. just like in the mice models 

    if anyone later down along the line manages to mix up something like this in lab i wouldn't mind volunteering to be a "lab rat" to test its effects on a human body.... that is if someone can even manufacture something along these lines...

    would the enzyme have to be delivered directly to the bodys receptor sites through injection? or would we be able to process a pill for it?

  6. The PEPCK-C enzyme would have to be targeted to skeletal muscle and make it into the cell.  Over expression in other tissues can cause bad side effects, like over expression in the liver causing type II Diabetes. 

    I know adeno-associated virus have promise in targeting skeletal muscles but the vector can only accept something like 4-5kb of genetic information and the PCK1 gene, which codes for PEPCK, is 7kb. 

    Maybe a different vector could be used.  
  7. This is starting to sound a bit too big a project for anyone with only access to laymen resources.
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